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The Amulet of Light

Chapter 8 The Lost City

Word Count: 534    |    Released on: 11/09/2024

nder the weight of her newfound responsibilities. As she turned to leave, she noticed a faint glow emanating from the underbrush. She approached cautiously, her hand on the

have been waiting for you. You have been chosen to unlock the secrets of this lost city, and to wield its ancient power." Eira's heart raced as she reached out to touch the statue. She knew that she was on the threshold of a new adventure, one that would change her life forever. As she touched the statue, Eira felt a surge of energy course through her body. The world around her began to spin, and she felt herself being lifted off the ground. When the world stopped spinning, Eira found herself in a vast library, surrounded by shelves upon shelves of ancient tomes. The air was thick with the scent of parchment and ink. A figure approached her, its eyes shining with wisdom. "Welcome, Eira," the figure said. "I am the guardian of this city's knowledge. You have been chosen to unlock its secrets." Eira's eyes widened as the guardian led her through the sh

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