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Unwanted luck

Chapter 2 Second chapter: a cold union

Word Count: 1187    |    Released on: 12/09/2024

the bouquet of white roses Emily had chosen months before, her heart pounding so loudly she was sure the guests could hear it. The entire church was filled with people-business executives

ne married to her. The worst part was that Jillian understood. He had loved Emily-everyone knew that. Emily was everything she wasn't: bold, captivating, the kind of woman who commanded attention wherever she went. Christopher had been smitten with her from the moment they met, and their relationship had been the talk of their social circles for months. They were the perfect couple on paper-two beautiful, powerful people, their union a business deal wrapped in romance. Now, that romance was gone, and all that remained was the deal. When the last guest had left, Jillian found herself standing alone in the grand ballroom, the remnants of the reception scattered across the tables. The chandelier above cast a soft glow on the polished floor, but the opulence of the room did nothing to calm the storm inside her. She felt Christopher's presence before she saw him. He approached her from behind, his footsteps echoing in the quiet space. When he finally spoke, his voice was low, clipped. "Jillian." Her name on his lips felt strange, foreign, as if he had never spoken it before today. She turned to face him, bracing herself for what was coming. His eyes, dark and unreadable, locked onto hers, but there was no warmth in them. Only cold calculation. "This isn't what I wanted," he said bluntly, his tone leaving no room for misunderstanding. "I know," Jillian replied softly, her throat tightening. She wanted to say more, but what could she say? That she hadn't wanted this either? That this was supposed to be Emily standing beside him, not her? That none of this felt real, like they were living someone else's life? Christopher's jaw tightened, and for a moment, his icy exterior cracked, revealing the depth of his anger. "I was supposed to marry your sister. Emily and I-" He stopped, the words hanging heavy between them. "We had a plan. This... this was never part of it." Jillian's chest ached at the bitterness in his voice. She had known, of course, but hearing him say it so plainly, so coldly, felt like a slap to the face. She had always been second to Emily,

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