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The Oathbearer's Legacy

Chapter 5 Shadows in the Night

Word Count: 2593    |    Released on: 14/09/2024

the time they reached the f

ing ember on the horizon, casting a

ouds, and the promise of shelter was a small comfort to

slopes. It wasn't much, but it provided a degree of protectio

t a sigh of relief as he sank down beside it. Every musc

s hung over them like a specter, its shad

uched beside the entrance of the small alcove and began gathering st

e scouts since Eamon had spotted them on the ri

Ashen Sovereign's scouts were far worse, creatures who thri

keeping his voice hushed as he lean

rom his task. "They wa

d him. The mark of the Seeker had changed him

d become a target for the Ashen

ink they've been tr

ed. His face was hard to read in the fading light, but ther

like to watch, to learn their prey before they strike. If the

surprised him. "I'm just a woodsman. I don't know how to fight o

rn," Eamon

sure he wanted to learn. He didn't want any pa

further away from him. He could feel the pull of it, drawing him

ning against his pack. "You'll get

in Eamon's voice. It was rare for the man to speak

lt strange coming from him, but Kae

about them?" Kaelin asked, gesturing toward the mountain

Ashen Sovereign's reach is long. The mountain

htened him the thought of climbing into the mountains or

. "Once we reach the higher passes, it'll be harder for them to

to. He could imagine it well enough endless drop into the

stones together, then gestured for Kael

hey are, but they can h

amon began whispering instructions. "We'll take turns keeping

e could stay awake, but exhaustion was a

back against the rock, his pack s

istant sound of shifting rocks and the occa

p came surprisingly quickly. His body

ng before th

gnize-a vast chamber with walls of cold stone, towering

ision, and though he couldn't see them

rouded in darkness, its features obscured by

didn't move, Kaelin could feel the weight of

ut his voice wouldn't come. His throat

nd, and in its grasp was

s the figure stepped closer, its hand

and dangerous in the way it held the artifact, as though i

ure spoke, its voice a low, raspin

eavy... and you are not s

ng in ragged gasps. His heart raced, and

ook him a few seconds to remember where he was in

his mind. He sat up, running a hand through

ement and raised an e

head. "Just a d

ncern in his eyes. "You should try to get more rest," Eamon

ter that. He lay back down, staring up at the starless s

hoed in his mind, chi

eavy... and you are not

journey had begun, Kaelin wasn

ed across the rocky peaks. Every gust felt like a whisper in

n. Sleep wouldn't come easily, not after the dream and no

ound his shoulders, trying not to disturb Eamon

out, but at least it kept them hidden from prying eyes. Kael

since they left, yet there was something unsettlin

ess that clung to him in moments like t

he wanted to admit. The figure's voi

ough to bear it. Kaelin shivered, though whether it was f

c in his pack suddenly

t could Eamon do? The man already had enough to worry about, watching their backs and

not to disturb the stones beneath him. He stepped out fr

ed it, hoping it would chase away t

ds that clung to the peaks had swallowed th

, trying to clear his mind,

ard a faint sound rustling in the distance, just be

against the stone wall of the alc

ispered, barely au

d on the direction of the sound. His movements were silent

murmured, his voic

from his belt. It was little more than

ought to control his breathing. The rust

on. He moved with the practiced ease of a seasoned fighter

ine of figures moving through t

ts had f

aced through everything Eamon had taught him over the past days, bu

ore, filling him with dread: You

It was the signal to stay calm, to hold hi

more defined, gaunt figures with pale skin an

and silent, their bodies almost

n't fight unless we have to. They don't kno

too skilled, too attuned to their surroundings. It

ressed his back harder against the stone, wi

its head as though listening, its glowing eyes scanning th

t the scout would move on. But then, with terrifying speed

ath, raising his sword. "S

ers followed suit, closing in like a pack of wolves.

t scout head-on. His sword clashed with the creature's cla

h a skill and precision he had never seen before.

speed, their bodies twisting and c

, clutching his dagger tightly. He knew he wasn't much

ing his dagger into its side. The creature screeched in pain, its

it was short-lived. Another scout was already upon hi

d him off the ground, its cold eyes burning into his soul.

arkness would consume him, there w

round as it staggered back. Kaelin hit the

amon standing over him, his sword g

ted, his voice cutti

ger once more. The remaining scouts had backed

an uneasy silence-the a

, his voice low a

He bolted, his legs burning as he spr

faintly as they fled into the night. Behind them, th

arted glowing? What kind of magic was that? And more importantly, h

safety of a narrow pass higher up th

gasping for breath, his body tr

m. "We're not out of this yet," he said

elt hollow. The weight of the Seeker's burden

he voice from his dream whispered once mo

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