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Alpha's Lust

Chapter 2 Chapter two

Word Count: 1536    |    Released on: 13/09/2024

the time I recovered, there was a group of men and women arou

ted to snatch my hand, but this person was just too strong. And the problem was, I couldn't even say a thi

s lips and said in a roug

ional person right beside him. H

's his black hair fell on his forehead and

mbled crazily as my quivering lips parted and clo

leep! Please, let me go! I promise to ser

usly at Aiden's hand that was gripping my wrist, and his anger flared.

pha Aiden earlier He had rejected the idea of checking out the marquee earlier. Now

an I had imagined. I had to get away as fast as possible! But Aiden's gri


Aiden's attention, and he looked

go, but please don't cause me pain! I'm already tired after dealing with a

ed the grip, but didn't let go of me. He simply

as I struggled with my feeble hands and legs. But no matter how much

had enough. He laughed crazily and glared at me

the fear ingrained in my heart for my ex boyfriend was greater than

es narrowing at my ex boyfrie

hate it these days. He belonged to another werewolf pac

n anger. His earlier anger seemed to have vanis

ward Ethan, who firmly caught my wrist with an indifferent expression on hi

er, Mr. Davis. She has a habit of seducing men

idence in his voice, I was stunned. This was the first time I met this guy, and he was already taking my sid

n't think twice before breaking a rod from

with one another to death. I trembled even thinking of the possi

crowd around me gasped in surprise, but I didn't dare to open

erewolf magazine that was famous across all the packs in America. I knew h

ed doubting me even when I hadn't done anything. I even stopped feeling the race of my heartbeat when he suddenly became a

't mean I want

on my forehead, and I jolted, opening my eyes

nd him fighting Did Aiden win The

rilling. And the fact that I was facing the famous cold hearted man didn't calm me down. Instead, I bec

t. He simply smiled and sai

I wasn't here to attend the mating ceremony, okay I was already suffer

eal myself before

necessary for all the singles to join the ceremony between the age group o

to stay far away from this place. I already was facing a trauma because of Sebas

e. I wouldn't lose all of my freedom, and again fall into the traps of d

when I saw Aiden's eyes flashing d

cold aura surrounded him, maki

his guy, I still wanted to survive. It seemed like if I were to refu

en only to find that the crowd had dispersed. Only a few

't really famous among werewolves. Many reasons were there. First, in my town, werewolves work

about the existence of werewolves,

ch a thing. They hated associating with humans

rsed my lips, trying to hide my mood that was already sinking lower because of th

r, and hoisted me up in a bridal

belong to me. So they won't

eemed this person was

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1 Chapter 1 Chapter one2 Chapter 2 Chapter two3 Chapter 3 Chapter three4 Chapter 4 Chapter four5 Chapter 5 Chapter Five6 Chapter 6 Chapter Six7 Chapter 7 Chapter Seven8 Chapter 8 Chapter Eight9 Chapter 9 Chapter Nine10 Chapter 10 Chapter Ten11 Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven12 Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve13 Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen14 Chapter 14 Chapter Fourteen15 Chapter 15 Chapter Fifteen16 Chapter 16 Chapter Sixteen17 Chapter 17 Chapter Seventeen18 Chapter 18 Chapter Eighteen19 Chapter 19 Chapter Nineteen20 Chapter 20 Chapter Twenty21 Chapter 21 Chapter Twenty One22 Chapter 22 Chapter Twenty Two23 Chapter 23 Chapter Twenty Three24 Chapter 24 Chapter Twenty Four25 Chapter 25 Chapter Twenty Five26 Chapter 26 Chapter Twenty Six27 Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Seven28 Chapter 28 Chapter Twenty Eight29 Chapter 29 Chapter Twenty Nine30 Chapter 30 Chapter 3031 Chapter 31 Chapter 3132 Chapter 32 Chapter 3233 Chapter 33 Chapter 3334 Chapter 34 Chapter 3435 Chapter 35 Chapter 3536 Chapter 36 Chapter 3637 Chapter 37 Chapter 3738 Chapter 38 Chapter 3839 Chapter 39 Chapter 3940 Chapter 40 Chapter 4041 Chapter 41 Chapter 4142 Chapter 42 Chapter 4243 Chapter 43 Chapter 4344 Chapter 44 Chapter 4445 Chapter 45 Chapter 4546 Chapter 46 Chapter 4647 Chapter 47 Chapter 4748 Chapter 48 Chapter 4849 Chapter 49 Chapter 4950 Chapter 50 Chapter 5051 Chapter 51 Chapter 5152 Chapter 52 Chapter 5253 Chapter 53 Chapter 5354 Chapter 54 Chapter 5455 Chapter 55 Chapter 5556 Chapter 56 Chapter 5657 Chapter 57 Chapter 5758 Chapter 58 Chapter 5859 Chapter 59 Chapter 5960 Chapter 60 Chapter 6061 Chapter 61 Chapter 6162 Chapter 62 Chapter 6263 Chapter 63 Chapter 6364 Chapter 64 Chapter 6465 Chapter 65 Chapter 6566 Chapter 66 Chapter 6667 Chapter 67 Chapter 6768 Chapter 68 Chapter 6869 Chapter 69 Chapter 6970 Chapter 70 Chapter 7071 Chapter 71 Chapter 7172 Chapter 72 Chapter 7273 Chapter 73 Chapter 7374 Chapter 74 Chapter 7475 Chapter 75 Chapter 7576 Chapter 76 Chapter 7677 Chapter 77 Chapter 7778 Chapter 78 Chapter 7879 Chapter 79 Chapter 7980 Chapter 80 Chapter 8081 Chapter 81 Chapter 8182 Chapter 82 Chapter 8283 Chapter 83 Chapter 8384 Chapter 84 Chapter 8485 Chapter 85 Chapter 8586 Chapter 86 Chapter 8687 Chapter 87 Chapter 8788 Chapter 88 Chapter 8889 Chapter 89 Chapter 8990 Chapter 90 Chapter 9091 Chapter 91 Chapter 9192 Chapter 92 Chapter 9293 Chapter 93 Chapter 9394 Chapter 94 Chapter 9495 Chapter 95 Chapter 9596 Chapter 96 Chapter 9697 Chapter 97 Chapter 9798 Chapter 98 Chapter 9899 Chapter 99 Chapter 99100 Chapter 100 Chapter 100