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True to Himself; Or, Roger Strong's Struggle for Place


Word Count: 1583    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

made a raid on the house. I was thoroughly alarmed, and ran with all possibl

, Kate's cry was repeated, this time in a more intense tone. An instant later I dashed a

in her hand a heavy umbrella with which she had evidently been

" I exclaimed. "Wh

ad you've come. A tramp was here-he

e of the room. Then her breast heaved, the umbrell

rt?" I crie

y-it is gone! What w

dreadful thought, my s

n Stumpy had been there-the widow's mon

sense told him what had happened, and he set

y here with K

romptly. "But where are yo


he may be a des

money back or know the reason why," was my d

gh to have had it taken when the Widow Canby was at home, but it had been stolen when left in my charg

ere would be plenty of people mean enough to intimate that I had had something to do with its disappearance. The Strong h

ubly stinging, and when I told Dick that I was not afraid of Mr. John Stumpy, I m

ake the pist

box of extra cartridges.

e it before I return.

nd an instant after I was on my way, the lantern

Kate," I called b

n't stay away too long, if

teway led to the pear orchard. I felt pretty certain that John St

could easily hide, but it was not likely that he would care to remain in the

ker than in the garden, I listened intently, hopin

tered through the trees and a frog gave a dismal c

ard the road, and reachin

erplexing question. Perhaps if I had been in a story book I might have found some clew to direct me. Bu

ch anything worthy of notice. I judged it was near midnight, and hardly had I

wly up the road. As they drew nearer, I recognized Moran and P

ance. What on earth could they b

sons that it would not be advisable to s

id Pultzer, "Dunc was half scar

it was when he asked us to go into it," returne

lf," respon

ght, you'll never find me in another

's father will say

yville people? Of course they

they had done to me. I never dreamed that th

Moran. "Dick is not to be trusted any more. He kick

liked Dick in many respects, and now I was

uch as Dunc thought he would. Han

ong in the old tool house. We must re

emen," I put in, stepping out

ess for me to say more, as

started in alarm, and then, led by Pultzer, they das

of the situation presented itself, I smiled. "A guilty conscience need

d to question them in regard to the thief. Perhaps they had seen him,

in hopes of meeting John Stumpy. If he was anywhere near, the

n of returning to the place. He evidently knew the road.

back to the tool house, and at the

e who was with her on her recovery, and I sincerely hoped that the shock Stumpy had given her would not have

Here I hesitated for an instant, and then, pi

, and I entered, only t

ng remained but to go back to the road, and I was about to leave again

it contained a letter I turned it over to read the addre

ncerning the Forgeries for which Cars

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