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The Billionaire Betrayed Wife

Chapter 3 Desperate Measures

Word Count: 1495    |    Released on: 13/09/2024

ic transformed into urgent action. She grabbed her phone wit

ollapsed. Please, we need help right away!" Her voice was a d

per, a calm and experienced physician. He quickly assessed Racheal's conditio

lone with Racheal?" Dr. Harper ask

The doctor's face was set in a serious expression as he worked, o

signs are stable now, but she's under a lot of stress. I need to speak with her husband

sband? Victor is... he's not

someone close to her-maybe a family member or someone who can provide more context

eyes fluttering open. She slowly became aware of her surroundings

?" Racheal mumble

Chloe explained gently. "D

aw the concern etched on Chloe's fac

ll get you the help you need. Dr. Harper, do you thi

ensure she's stable. If there's anyone else who can provide

a serious look. "There are several tests that need to be c

office to get the tests started. Take

bag and left. Chloe watched him go, her

up from the floor. She looked at Chloe with a mix of despe

im what the doctor said. Maybe he'll com

ou kidding me? Victor's left you. He's with Evelyn now. You can't

oice sharp. "Racheal, are you out of your mind? You serious

, wallowing in this pit of despair.

oe, I just- I need to try. The doctor said the father ne

Getting your heart broken again? You've been through hel

if there's even a chance that Victor could come back, I have to

n't just about you anymore. You have a baby to think about. Do you really want to put

this for my baby. The doctor said the father needs to be invo

w? The fact that you're trying to drag Victor back into your life, only to be potentially hurt

eading. "I can't just let him get away with ev

able as she breathed h

en he turns you away? You'll be right back where you started, only now you'll be even more broken! Use you

now what else to do. I feel like if I don't try, I'll never be able to fo

help! You're thinking like a fucking lunatic!This isn't just about getting Victor back. It's about your well-bein

ice breaking. "I can't let him think he can

eath, trying to calm

be careful. Don't go in there with expectations that he'll magically c

ome here crying and hurt I'

will. I just need to know that I tried. I can't mov

t you need to be prepared for the possibility that this could end ba

. "I understand. I just... I need to do t

od for him," Racheal said, her voice laced with a flicker of excitement as she

's reckless ascent. Her mind was racing, trying to keep up with the

What had happened to her friend? This wasn't the Racheal

with her?" she muttered to herself. "Who goes back to their vomit like this? Didn't she

oe, think. She's clearly not thinking straight. You need to be th

perspective. "Hey, Emily? It's Chloe. I need to talk to you ab

ind a whirlwind of concern and helplessness. She knew she couldn't let Ra

ustration boiling over. "This woman is re

friend, who had always been so strong, was now lost in a fantasy

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