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Luna's Descent

Chapter 4 Am I sick

Word Count: 1126    |    Released on: 19/09/2024

uldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but she pushed it to the back of her mind. Maybe Mitchell

epped through the door, an overwhelming dizziness hit her. The room started spinning, her vision blurrin

t broke out across her skin. Suddenly, a

e whispered, feminine and familiar, but dis

around the empty room, hoping to find the so

r eyes. In quick succession, she saw the same image over and over-a white werewolf, its fur

e collapsed to the floor,

dow. She rubbed her eyes, trying to shake the grogginess from her mind. The last

g just outside her bedroom door. It was more than just

er," her mother, Diana, sa

er, Chris, responded shar

anted to press her ear to the door, eavesdrop on the rest of the conversation, but somethi

asked, her voice star

. "Ummm, darling, you're awake," Diana said

ng. "What is it you wanted to tell me, Mom?"

er father interjected quick

ick, Dad? Why do I keep getting these weird flashes in my head? And that same voice

t be because of those books you've been reading," Diana said, try

books in ages," she replied. "But I still keep

stroke Ruby's arm. "We'll go to the hospital tomorrow aft

ed, her protest cut of

guiding Ruby back toward her bed. "You nee

ay back down. "Goodnight, sweetie," they said in unison, their w

whisper as she stared up at the ceiling, her

g wasn't right. The way her parents were acting, their reluctance to answer her

, these strange things had been happening to her-visions of wolves, voices in her head, and an overwhel

ning in the middle of the day, even when she was wide awake. The white werewolf haunted

g if maybe there was something physically wrong with her-something the doctors could fix. But deep down, she

er. There was something her parents weren't telling her. She could feel it. And whatev

bling inside her. Her parents' whispers still echoed in her mind. *Tell her what?

her mind refused to rest. The flashes of the white werewolf came back again, unbidden, as vivid as before. The wolf was so real, so

near," the voice repeated in

rustration mixing with fear. She hated how helpless she felt, ho

ered shut. Her last thought before sleep claimed her w

as the least of her worries. not with t

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