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Entangled Destiny

Chapter 4 Longing love

Word Count: 1209    |    Released on: 25/09/2024

r. The walls of the house, adorned with portraits of the family's happier moments, seemed to mock her with their silent reminders of the love she had never known. Each p

acne-scarred face, framed by unkempt hair, seemed to confirm the cruel words she had heard throughout her life-ugly, unwa

had always been effusive in her praise for Flora, her eyes lighting up whenever she spoke of her youngest daughter's achieveme

n was often met with harsh words and dismissive gestures. "Why can't you be more like your sister?" was a refrain she heard far too often. Elizabeth'

t," she'd say, her voice dripping with disdain. "If only you tried harder, maybe I wouldn't have to waste my time correcting you." Those

en she offered even a simple gesture of affection. Instead, she learned to navigate her world alone, seeking solace in the quiet corners of her mi

id little to fill the void left by Elizabeth's coldness. While he showed moments of affection for Autumn, it often felt overshadowed by his absence

acceptance existed in abundance. She excelled in her studies, outshining her peers despite the taunts and bullying she fa

nce from her mother. Elizabeth rarely acknowledged Autumn's academic achievements, while Flora received endless praise for even the smallest accomp

tumn's otherwise dark world. Together, they navigated the trials of high school, Grace's loyalty providing a comfort tha

en felt like an outsider among her peers, plagued by insecurities that stemmed from her home life. The relentless teasing about

ind, reminding her of her inadequacies. "You're not special, Autumn. You'll always be in Flora's shadow," her mother would say, a statement that reverbe

mother's adoration only reinforced that image. Autumn watched, often feeling invisible, as Flora received flowers for achievements or spontan

re where she could escape the confines of the mansion, a life filled with opportunities that would allow her to prove her w

ay when Elizabeth would embrace her, shower her with words of praise, or simply acknowledge her existence with

e emotional scars left by her mother ran deep, forming a tapestry of pain that intertwined with her daily life. Each dismis

mind, bringing with them a mixture of sorrow and resilience. It was in those moments of reflection that she f

hains of emotional neglect, to prove to herself that she was deserving of love. With determination, she resol

here the harsh realities of her upbringing played out against the backdrop of ad

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