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Beneath the Blood Moon

Chapter 4 The Hunter

Word Count: 1232    |    Released on: 21/09/2024

p. She couldn't afford to be caught. As she weaved through the thick woods, a cold wind swept through the branches, sending chills down her sp

cused on her surroundings, her heightened senses taking in every rustle of leaves, every flicker of movement in the

rged from the underbrush. A soft crunch

ed a beat. She knew

shift into her wolf form. She couldn't give herself

ry eyes that glinted in the moonlight. His dark hair was tousled, and his stance exuded a dangerous confidence. He

said, his voice low and sm

, but she could sense the power radiating from h

ck, her eyes narro

meone who's been sent to find you, Elena Russo. You've ma

wasn't surprised-word of her disappearance would have sprea

, her voice steady despite the fear bui

o De Luca doesn't like it when people mess with his pl

Marco. She was done being a pawn in their ga

hardened. "You're in over your head, princess. The world you're run

his voice-an edge of truth that made her stomach twist. He was

n around just in time to see two dark shapes darting between the trees-wolves, thei

d without a second

n an instant. In her wolf form, Elena was faster, stronger, and far more dangerous. She let out a low growl, ba

laugh. "Impressive. I didn't think

s taking over. She wasn't going

d, his hands raised in a gesture of peace. "Easy now. I'

. Help her? That was the last thing sh

calm. "But I'm not here for Marco. I'm here because I have

ng with her curiosity. Could he be tellin

s," Elena growled, her voic

reconsider. Because the people hunting you now are far worse

tant sounds of movement-more wolves, clos

she asked, her v

rt of a much bigger plan. One that involves your fa

er throat. Family secrets?

d press him further

en standing. She landed gracefully, her powerful legs propelling her into a counterattack. She swip

in pain, but she twisted her body and kicked the wolf off, her strength far superior to her

Elena fought. He didn't lift a finger to help, but neither did he see

on its neck with a fierce growl. The creature went lim

fight wa

knew she couldn't keep this up. She was outnumbered, and even w

the man stepped forward again, his ex

s darting between him an

off until you're too tired to move, or come with me and find out the truth


er. She didn't trust this man, but there was a part of her-desperat

rk shapes moving through the


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