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Brother Jacob

Chapter 4 The Childhood of David Faux Part IV

Word Count: 2052    |    Released on: 23/09/2024

er a blundering contriv

But, if everything had

ve seen that his plan wa

lain safely in the ea

ith the calm of consciou

ant to say good-bye to h

ineas; till at length, on

d them in the strictest

ut inconvenience. But D

t, or, to speak more pre

certain and fluctuating a

ve puzzled the astute h

so remarkably at

w that he had only one a

utting them back in his mother's drawer (a cou

icion behind him, by d

otice, and with the guin

was going, his mother,

f guineas the three she

his original plan, he h

t would be discovered u

for his innocence; bu

ned plan was completely

with perpetual lozenge

not even go to tea at Mr

of Jacob, who, in his i

up the box again while h

at once of reputation a

rest of this day, but of

was a fatiguing and an

ot go to sleep without t

to secure his frequent

eep of dawn, and be fa

r, he thought, would cert

Such a striking young m

est Indies: in foreign co

It was probable that so

and make him presents

he needn't marry her un

steal any more, even f

sant way of making your

ised in the act by broth

titution, and he had fe

s liver was affected. Be

hought well of in the wo

thought worthy of the


on the brilliant future

string kept himself on th

rising and departure. His

least an hour and a half, and the little room whic

orse-block, so that he co

t difficulty. Jacob, th

up before everybody els

that was "duly set" for

hay-loft, and if he came

to that from which Dav

ink of Jacob; yet David

--it was the only thi

bundle of clothes was

the steps of the horse-

ields towards the thick

get out the box; he cou

rip where the bark was o

in the thicket. But what

y with a staff planted bes

aused, not to make up hi

ad not the happiness of

b's pitchfork--but to g

his brother with a suff

ratching up the earth, a


d in a loud whisper, just

f the

cerning his sweet-flavou

t in a way that made hi

had been of an impetuo

fork from the ground an

by no means impetuous

te consequences, a habit

tue. But somehow it had

whether an action would

r people. In the former

diate desires, but in the

ith much

said, stooping down and


ther tight, gave the box

ids and shook his head, w

nea to taste whether

complete and

oo soon," said David, w

ll go and bury it somewh

pointing vaguely to

while Jacob, looking gra

avid's bundle, he snatche

itchfork into it and carr

panied David and the b

d to do? It would have

order him to get away;

Jacob was quiet as l

the slightest show

iable to fits of fury w

t his pitchfork. There

pt by kindness or guil

en they were out of the

"go and fetch me a spad

ying to reach it from the

ob's tall

alacrity in obeying as

, he felt himself in the

brother's back, brandish

inward groan, changed h

was not safe to linger.

events, could be eluded.

coach would overtake the

ured his bundle, and then Jacob might howl an

the fatal necessity of

large breakfast for him

ady three hours since the

ch be coming up soon? h

there was a carrier's ca

wn. If he could slip out,

the cart without Jaco

ntly discovered a remnan

kets; and, since then, ha

rment, perhaps with an

opment of sugar-candy af

ne who has worn a coa

keep a man from starti

coat-tail. David looke

, but it might make a di

l to hi

perspiration. He could w

acob get in with him. P

o large a breakfast, Jac

ee at once that David me

s expectation was partly

was in a peculiar attitu

his dear brother's bo

rasp tightened with the


ou," observed the carrier

other, and wishing to

of thieving were not w

other? Oh, why, in gen

ould not take his mother

e grimly sp

Jacob; but little dinner,

beer; for through this liberality he descried a ho

avid, who paid the reck

her half-hour he was on

smile of the triumphant

the Indies, where a gu

eal any more, but ther

eserving, that people w

the notion of his father

t that trifle; and even

at in being for ever div

, more terrible than G

Thank heaven, he should

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