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Betrayal Behind The Scenes

Chapter 22 Becoming the wife of the agency's top figure.

Word Count: 1258    |    Released on: 26/09/2024

ast on various media platforms. She sighed, feeling relieved that her ex-husband's family's crimes would soon be jus

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1 Chapter 1 Don't interfere2 Chapter 2 The Divorce Papers.3 Chapter 3 She could damage your company's reputation4 Chapter 4 You may be the boss, but I'm the model5 Chapter 5 A red velvet box6 Chapter 6 Marry me, Cath.7 Chapter 7 A viral news8 Chapter 8 BASTARD!9 Chapter 9 I want to fire Catherine10 Chapter 10 Will create in the future11 Chapter 11 I hate it when she calls me an adopted child12 Chapter 12 Keenan and all the plans he had made.13 Chapter 13 A loud noise14 Chapter 14 Don't be embarrassed15 Chapter 15 LEAVE, OR THE POLICE WILL DRAG YOU TO JAIL!16 Chapter 16 I will show the true face of the Chandra family.17 Chapter 17 He had no right to judge18 Chapter 18 Who is this person 19 Chapter 19 An anonymous email20 Chapter 20 REVEALED: KEENAN HART'S INFIDELITY21 Chapter 21 YOU FOOL!22 Chapter 22 Becoming the wife of the agency's top figure.23 Chapter 23 Defected and betrayed24 Chapter 24 TRANSFER OF POWER RIGHTS 25 Chapter 25 SHUT UP, YOU BITCH!26 Chapter 26 Les Halles 27 Chapter 27 I don't like seeing trash like you!28 Chapter 28 Mysterious person29 Chapter 29 Your best friend also almost died30 Chapter 30 The middle of the building.31 Chapter 31 She didn't mean to threaten32 Chapter 32 Growling in pain33 Chapter 33 Couldn't wait for that day to come34 Chapter 34 Too much attention35 Chapter 35 But I saw nothing there36 Chapter 36 Catherine had collapsed on the floor.37 Chapter 37 I understand your trauma, Cath.38 Chapter 38 Hot chocolate for Svarga39 Chapter 39 NoName: The woman is dead.40 Chapter 40 I'll let you know soon what I find inside.41 Chapter 41 I AM YOUR WIFE, KEENAN HART!42 Chapter 42 Sorry, do I know you 43 Chapter 43 You're the only one who can save her marriage.44 Chapter 44 Touch me once more45 Chapter 45 You'll be surprised to know...46 Chapter 46 SHUT YOUR MOUTH, SHENA!47 Chapter 47 Mama, you don't need to do that.48 Chapter 48 I'm sure I had him imprisoned.49 Chapter 49 YOU WRETCHED BITCH!50 Chapter 50 Unbeknownst to them51 Chapter 51 I will not let you touch Svarga52 Chapter 52 Is this what you were looking for 53 Chapter 53 We still want to chat with you54 Chapter 54 Shena Agatha....55 Chapter 55 Mommy Samantha: Go to the doctor now!56 Chapter 56 I'll fire Liam right now!57 Chapter 57 Keenan's ultimate downfall in court58 Chapter 58 I'm pregnant.59 Chapter 59 Additional evidence60 Chapter 60 Allow me to introduce myself61 Chapter 61 Goodbye!62 Chapter 62 I'll get my revenge in 20 years....63 Chapter 63 She handed over her baby to Arsila64 Chapter 64 Just like you wanted.65 Chapter 65 Keanu Garvield Hart.66 Chapter 66 MOTHER!67 Chapter 67 What if you started dating Charlotte 68 Chapter 68 Be wise in your friendships with another men69 Chapter 69 She wanted from the brilliant man70 Chapter 70 Such a problem71 Chapter 71 Spare tire from someone else...72 Chapter 72 Can I ask you something 73 Chapter 73 Because of Charlotte74 Chapter 74 This is my friend75 Chapter 75 I promise I'll be back76 Chapter 76 JARVEY!77 Chapter 77 May I see the CCTV footage 78 Chapter 78 If you can't do what Mother asked, I'll do it myself.79 Chapter 79 Who's the person making my mother so scared 80 Chapter 80 I trust you81 Chapter 81 Ma'am, I'm sorry for what I've done to your daughter....82 Chapter 82 You'll never live in peace because right now.83 Chapter 83 COMPILATION OF REPORTS ON THE HART FAMILY CASE AND GISTARA COMPANY84 Chapter 84 I met that man85 Chapter 85 I hate my past the most86 Chapter 86 You embraced him....87 Chapter 87 This city has been sabotaged88 Chapter 88 YOU DARE TO DEFY ME, AND THIS IS WHAT YOU'LL GET!89 Chapter 89 You're very useful as her son!90 Chapter 90 I'm just someone who helped her; I don't know her91 Chapter 91 Charlotte... I want you...92 Chapter 92 Isn't this unfair, Keanu 93 Chapter 93 Just wait and see what I'll do to them later.94 Chapter 94 No, I was just-95 Chapter 95 I have to go now96 Chapter 96 Enough, Charlotte!97 Chapter 97 She injured me, and after that...98 Chapter 98 JUST GO, YOU WRETCH! I'M SICK OF SEEING YOU!99 Chapter 99 My break's over100 Chapter 100 Are you crying