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Mafia Ties and Twin Lies

Chapter 2 Mirror Reflections (Extended)

Word Count: 1012    |    Released on: 29/09/2024

accustomed to commanding attention. His steel-gray eyes swept th

a smooth baritone. "I appreciate

r desk. "Mr.Stone. This is certainly unexp

Enami a charming smile as he took a seat. "I

wing glint in her eye. "Likewise, Mr.

d a flicker of something - concern? curiosi

things," Mia sa

e conversation back on track. "You m

ss mode. "Indeed. I've come to propose a collaboratio

ollaboration? Our companies

ner the market on sustainable energy solutions. I have plans for a revolutionary new technology

ng, Mr.Stone. Especially considering the rumors about your comp

ure what you're referring to, Ms.Blackwood. Stone Ente

it on good authority that your 'revolutionary technology' might have some que

cing. She had hoped to broach the subject more diplomatical

control. "I see," he said slowly. "It appears you've been misinformed. While it's true that we've bee

e prepared to share the details of our project with you, Anai. I believe o

espite her reservations. As she began to scr

f the ocean that's more efficient and less disruptive than anything currently on th

widening as she took in the complex diagrams and project

intrigue and skepticism. "And you're willing to

"No catch. Just a mutually beneficial partnership. Of course, I'd

e air. This wasn't just a collaboration; it w

ntial pitfalls. "This is... a lot to consider, Mr.Stone. I'll need to d

g less. Take your time to review the proposal. But don't take too long," he adde

r skeletons you might have in your closet... make sure they're buried deep.

ing the room was palpable. Then he turned, his expression unreadable. "I app

ng Anai and Enami alone in th

zed she'd been holding. "Well," she sa

lly game-changing?" Enami supplie

t on her desk. "All of the above. Enami, what

erned. But not enough to be certain. Whatever he's in

e on her shoulders. "We need to tread carefully here. This could be an incre

everything crashing d

understanding. Whatever they dec

ile spreading across her fa

an idea forming in her mind. "We gather more inform

ake the feeling that they were standing on the precipice of something that would ch

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