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Brave Tom; Or, The Battle That Won

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1632    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

on's turn now t

ng from his feet; "the tiger comin

arted right up the road on a gallop,

ere is

the hill this side of Briggsville, where you know we couldn't see him. By that time a whole lot of the folks had guns, and star

u afeard t

rapidly regaining courage; "I know h

's t

d look him right in the eye. A chap mus

t, Jim, when he first

er, Tom, if you run against him, you must fix your ey

osin' it

ck him awful hard under the jaw; that'll fix him! But you mustn't be barefooted, or you'll hurt your toes. And y

but young as was Tom Gordon, he felt th

ngs, isn't he? We've got a gun in the house,

ly recovered his wind, seemed at the same time to have reg

e head is as go

being hit in the head more than you do getting

urt him?" asked

ance. Every time he tries to walk, he tips over. Don't forget, Tom, if you shoot, to aim at his tail, just where it is stuck onto his body. If you miss, look him in the eye; and if that doesn't stop hi

left he made a dash for the door of his home, bursting in upon his mot

wheat in Jim's words to the effect that the tiger, one of the finest of his kind ever seen in captivity, had broken out of his cage

g slightly pale; "but I don't think one of t

-in-law, "they follow the natives into their hou

made of light bamboo, a

to the door. But just before reaching it, the latch flew up, and Jim Trave

ed. "The tiger is coming; he's

caught the latch, and slid the heavy bar in p

his feet; "he'll spring right through

ed the shutters, but did it coolly and deftly with each wi

eplace, and took down the loaded rifle, which he

airs to my bedroom; maybe

airs the leader paus

ry to look in the ti

such foolish questio


I heered a growl, and there was the tiger

t the chance you wanted,

hink of it. I was afeard he would go for your fo

walk all

ay. I would have turned round and let him have my foot

tly to the front window of Tom's b

see him," whisper

companion in the

still just now. There! he's cr

im! I know it. Hadn't you

oot as we

ake. He had halted under a large oak, standing on the other side of t

ttention, and he crouched down, as if prepar

up the horses and the

shoot," said Tom, setting down his

ow, for he's almos

d I guess that's be

im sure. Before, however, he could obtain a good sight, the old farmer came so nearly opp

devoured in the way of horses, men, women, and children. Be that as it may, the farmer and his team never suspected their peril, if, in point of fact, any peril threatened them. T

use he isn't hung

ink he would go a

We're tender, and jui

what he's after, I

trigger, the beast rose to his feet and looked directly at the house, as if trying t

African lion. His massive head was erect; his eyes shone, and his sinewy, graceful body, covered with its soft, velvety and spotted fur was like the beauty o

is mouth, and licked his jaws, as the cat species are fond of

all up," said Jim.

Tom Gordon pre

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