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Unholy by Miles Dini

Chapter 6 Peter Returns Home Eventually

Word Count: 1788    |    Released on: 11/10/2024

vans and Joan were uncomfortable with the noise he was making. Ultimately, the noise became too much and she intervened, "Is anything the matter Bruno? You have been hitting your plate throug

sed you are doing t

im, "I am sure your father will be home soon. We spoke about that earlier." "Somehow, I don't think that's good enough. Dad has always claimed he will be home but sometimes he doesn't," Bruno compla

ously. "Maybe, but he doesn't usually knock that loudly," Evans retorted too in a nervous way. Joan was scared and asked who it was at the door. This time the k

he approached Joan and asked, "Aren't you going to hug me at all?" She rolled her eyes and jokingly said to him, "Really? You stormed into

she also asked him, "By the way, why did you knock so violently?" Evans chimed in and said, "I was just about to ask him that. For a second, I thought it was the police." Peter laughed at what Evans said and answered, "The police? Why would you fear the police coming at this hour? Do you have some drug

less you are partially deaf. Also, didn't your fingers hurt a little after knocking on the door furiously?" Bruno asked. "Well, sorry son for knocking on the door violently. It won't happen again," Peter

d back and sent Evans to get the wine. Joan seemed concerned and asked, "Honey, are you sure you can drink again? Aren't you wasted?" Peter was slightly annoyed and a

INKING! Why are you being so difficult? I have a right to drink as I please. Remember, I am the man who pays all our bills because the only job you can do in your lif

ost occasions, Peter was a difficult man whenever he came home intoxicated. He would order his wife around. For example, he once woke up Joan asking her to prepare him some dinner at 3 a.m. There was al

en-related outbursts like throwing glasses on the floor." Peter, still in rage, answered her, "Do I detect passive aggression? Are you pretending to be okay with my drinking? If you were okay w

I do agree with mom. You tend to be hot-tempered whenever you are drunk. How about if you drink the wine tomorrow?" Peter guffawed then turned to his wife, "Do you see how disrespectful your children have become? They think they can lecture me about my dr

in with his wife. The boys however refused. They feared that he might do something to hurt her. Again, Peter told them to go to their rooms b

standing and motioned her to sit next to him. She joined him. "Well, aren't you going to have some wine? This wine is for us," Peter said to Joan. At fir

you guys provoke me. You all treat me like a child. You guys love to monitor my whereabouts and drinking," he responded. Joan was a bit disappointed with his response. It was clear he was tryin

od to fight again. You won, alright. You are free to do what you want. We will never talk about your drinking or whereabouts; is that okay for you?" He felt that the discuss

s rather than blaming others," he said appearing sincere. Joan couldn't believe that Peter was apologizing. For the most part, he was always too proud to apologize. She felt it was a tr

d to resolve the conflict but in an insincere way. Going forward

f his clothes and passionately made love to his wife. Before they could do anything else, Peter locked the bedroom door and blasted some loud music.

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