The Blood Diamond
hs, nomads and the centaurs partied and worked tirelessly
ere the council elders who h
e Lethe river and the Crystal
l over the training field practicin
d universe. Anything extraordinary about
l heroes from the Ragnorak family, who existed in spiri
who had access to the Avalorian realms. A
of urgency and they came as fas
ians. She is known for her magical gift and th
s able to tame the frightful and horrible VenomGaze the dragon who could
e evil Azazel of Eldoria who came into mortality with an undercover name Darcy Morwen.
The Se
years ago, were two sons of a King who lived in peace with each other. Eldor the eld
d his people at heart. He was the type who escaped
the Celstians were abducted alongside
dying father to save their people and r
e throne murdered his people, along
sight to retrieve the Red Diamond and thus he was bestowed th
which caused the division of the Celestia
he gave his blessing to his tutor Morgana a
k the Eldorians away underwater many m
to weaken physically. The Young Ragnorak found her in the fores
d them with the blessing of a
generation whose help she needed. They had been
shed his first task. He has found love i
azel and the Eldorians will only gro
p this before it's too late and things get
ing over the earth. I also sense the pain of a mother welling into anger. I only see war, Blood, pain and
ave to stop her from giving birth we have to find her. She can help us fi
you have a point but
dicates the pulse of the mother. The map will automa
Morgana give u
ood, the fifth and seventh fire open
"I will be with you always my heroes" Morgana said a