ated the forest floor. Every movement was more burdensome than the previous one, a silence that seemed to be tense, as if the woods were only waiting for something to begin. 'You think this guy
"I don't know," she whispered, looking warily down the corridor. 'But... there is something about him... Aga
for most things, but a potential attacker? 'We should be ready for anything,' he whispered, glancing about nervously as if an assailant was going to
f considerable age, the leather of the covers of which had turned to rust. The tension in the air was as electric as though the room had been transformed into a power source vibrating at the unique, special frequency Emilia felt. "This is the Book of the Moon," the guide declared, in a tone that
ening her down. Nervously, she spread the pages of the worn-out volume. They were yellowing with age;
tack. "What does it say?" Marcus could barely contain his nervousness, and it was evident from his voice. The room
ned herself up and read the symbols she was not used to on the paper all the same. 'It speaks of... of a chosen one,' she murmured,
of the guide's eyes and a cruel smile appearing on his face. "It was written for centuries that you are to come, Emilia, for it is you who can rid our world of the darkness lurking beneath it.
was seeing. 'You must learn to take on your legacy,' he pronounced as if saying these words to himself, almost in a murmur that was carried away by the wind. 'But the moon means power, and only with the light
e that it was the 21st century. 'We need to get to the bottom of this,' he said, his face set into a determined grimace. Nevertheless, there seemed to be a fleeting instant when Krogusik did not quite vocalize, as if
g. "Old clans exist," he said pointedly, "which are cognizant of your lineage." They patrol in your dream, but when you open your eyes, t
on I can be; there are people who will try to pull me down for that'. 'Yes,' the guide sneered, whispering
are alive, but we can sense only the immense pressure bearing on them. Marcus looked at Emilia intensely. He whispered to her, To take the drink, it is necessary to be careful. The constant scrolling als
orest, the trees, and the night all around them came alive as if, as Malphas told her, the darkness itself wanted them dead. Emilia raised the heavy cover of the book with unsteady fingers, and a chill settled in her chest. The prophecy was real; her part
es in his jaw worked with tension. "If anything is going to happen, we will deal with it hand in hand." But even as he spoke, she felt herself in the g
. With that, Emilia, Marcus, and their mysterious guide continued; the further they traveled, the more dangerous it became. The pro
ated the forest floor. Every movement was more burdensome than the previous one, a silence that seemed to be tense, as if the woods were only waiting for something to begin. 'You think this guy
"I don't know," she whispered, looking warily down the corridor. 'But... there is something about him... Aga
for most things, but a potential attacker? 'We should be ready for anything,' he whispered, glancing about nervously as if an assailant was going to
of the chamber, there was a worn statue of stone, on which were carved mysterious runes, and on the pedestal was a book of considerable age, the leather of the covers of whic
ng the apprehensions of the night. "And there is the prophecy, written between the lines, that will reveal your fate, Emilia." It took Emilia a while to get to t
letters written alongside them were barely readable. Though willing to converse with her companion, Marcus stayed near, coiled like a sp
and uncertain, as if the book they were in did not wish to be comprehended. She hardened herself up and read the symbols she was not used to on the paper all the same. 'It sp
of the guide's eyes and a cruel smile appearing on his face. "It was written for centuries that you are to come, Emilia, for it is you who can rid our world of the darkness lurking beneath it.
e was seeing. 'You must learn to take on your legacy,' he pronounced as if saying these words to himself, almost in a murmur that was carried away by the wind. 'But the moon means power, and only with the l