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Frank and Andy Afloat / Or, The Cave on the Island


Word Count: 2709    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

something like a disappointed sigh came from F

an't you tell us who you are, or where you live? We want to help you

as no r

, now that he is partially restored to consciousness, and perhaps when he is str

e of them filed silently out to permit of the physician and Mrs. Racer contin

er case," m

hope he doesn't die before we find

die at all," put in

," assented Fr

any name on the moto

when I went overboard I had to depend on Andy to pull that lad and me back. The sea was fierce and it was blo

ong," was Bob's opinion. "The bottom will

ng up," said Frank, after a pause. "I never

on proudly. "Well, I must be getting back. Got to put on another load

boat up or down the coast, let us know. Maybe we can save it, and fin

promised the

nded whale, it belong

sped Bob. "Are you st


n the ribs, "and it stove in my boat. If I could catch the beggar I'd se

or the younger Racer lad was well known for his p

rank, a bit solemnly, for the events of the past few hours had made quite a

in," explained Andy, "as we didn't want to be delayed. But if

Now I've got to hustle, as

"That reminds me, we h


of that some time ago,

s time that it slipped

for it now. So long


en away Frank and Andy went in the

d lad lay, having first ascertained from Mary, the cook, that supper w

?" asked Fran

sness, and he is now sleeping quietly. I have given him a powder and it will

Andy wanted to know.

of cuts where he must have been tossed against the rocks. His hands are burned s

urned trying to put ou

Dr. Martin, did you l

e does he belong? Wha

Teeth in

hat his people would be worried, and that I might be able to send some word to them. But, though he was fully

'I am--' Then he would stop, pass his hand across his forehead, and look puzzled. He d

count for that

ry," replied the doctor. "Or there may be some injury to the brain. I can't decide

ed Andy, as the physician hastened away in his

at would be a clue, I think. As soon as the weather gets be

ow, I think. It's a worse ga

approach of night, and it began to rain. Out on the bay, a view of whic

afraid we'll never see that wrecked motor boat aga

in and see how much nearer su

k, who had the last watch, was not sorry when the gray daylight came stealing i

oys, had talked the case over at the breakfast table. "Poor lad, he needs care. He looks as if he

he best of everything. And I don't want you boys tackling any more wha

have died of nervousness if I had known they went ou

d the younger lad as he gave her a kiss. "We a

we'll go straight back to New York, and that w

et. Well, I must be off or I'll miss my boat

, with the arrival of the nurse, the Racer boys and their mother were relieved from t

r. Martin on the third day.

ord to tell who he

st, however. He doesn't even seem to know that he was out in a motor boat. All he can recall is that he was in so

thing about himself?"

dim memory of being in a big city, and of looking for some man, but who this man is seems to be as mys

r his mind?" asked M

in time, with rest and quietness, it may all come back to him as

omething of himself," said Mrs. Racer decidedly. "

y all summer?" The doctor l

ork with us in the fall, we'll do it,

s may recall him to him

Martin. "Well, I'll st

all. The past remained as dark as before. Yet he was intelligent, and could talk on ordinary topics with ease, and with a knowledge th

quiries about the wrecked boat, but had heard

m don't want us to," Andy carefully explained to his brother,

se not," ass

tor said. Frank and Andy, who never grew tired of discussing the problem, and of wondering when the lad's mind would come back, were strolling along the beac

her," remarked Andy, gazing on to sea, as if he

nk. "I guess she'

ward where their boat was moored, when they noticed a man

hurry," observed Fr

er. "He looks as if he

er around here

ter the man

a large motor boat going ashore around here? I'm looking for one. There would be a boy in it perhaps-a lad of about your size. Perhaps he put in her

ther quickly. At last they seem

rk lad, with black

y I'm looking for!" exc

white with a green water line, and with th

tement taking hold of Andy's coat. "That'

er on the Shark's Teeth, going to pieces, and

the boy! What of h

d his hand over his own lips to keep back t

nk quickly. "We have been trying to pick up the wreck of

an exclaimed, and he act

we can solve the mystery as you know him. You say his name is Paul. What is his ot

n eagerly. On his part h

ul. I-I-it was an error. That is not the boy I want. I must hurry on. Pe

y turns. Then the man suddenly turned a

" insisted Frank, feeling th

istake. His name is

mind, I'm sorry to

out to hu

o our house. My mother would be glad to meet you. Perhaps, aft

ore the Racer boys could have stopped him, had they been so inc

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