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Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey


Part 1 Chapter 1 The House in Bloomsbury

Word Count: 1944    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

ence in the minds of the most sceptical of butchers and bakers - houses at whose area-gates the tradesman delivers his goods undoubtin

use in the dingy thorough-fare. That one spot of cleanliness made the surrounding dirt cruelly palpable. The muslin curtains in the parlour windows of No. 15 would not have appeared of such a smoky yellow if the curtains of No. 14 had not been of such a pharisaical whiteness. Mrs. Magson, at No. 13, was a humble letter of lodgings, always

ums, which seemed to enjoy an immunity from all the ills to which geraniums are subject, so impossible was it to discover a faded leaf amongst their greenness, or the presence of blight amidst their wealth of blossom. There were birdcages within the shadow of the muslin curtains, and the colouring of the new

was the next thing to envy. The pink and pattern of propriety within, as it was the pink and pattern of propriety without, it excited in ever

surgeon-dentist; and the dwellers in Fitzgeorge-street amused themselves in their leisure hours by sp

rnal evidence by which a dissolute life or an ill-regulated mind will infallibly betray itself, that evidence is to be found in the yellowness and limpness of muslin window-curtains. The eyes are the windows of the soul, says the poet; but

ounds in the embellishment of it. Upon the completion of all repairs and decorations, two great waggon-loads of furniture, distinguished by that old fashioned clumsiness which is eminently suggestive of respectability, arrived from the Euston-square terminus, while a young man of meditative aspect might have been seen on his knees, now in one empty chamber, anon in another, performing some species of indoor surveying, with a three-foot rule, a loose little oblong memorandum-book, and the merest stump of a square lead-pencil. This was an emissary from the carpet warehouse; and before nightfall it was known to more than one inhabitant in Fitzgeorge-street that the stranger was going to lay down new carpets. The new-comer was evidently of an active and energetic temperament, for within three days of his arrival the brass-plate on his street-door announced his profession, while a neat little glass-case, on a level with the eye of the passing pedestrian, exhibited specimens of his skill in

d existed without the services of a dentist, but it was very doubtful that a dentist would be able to exist on the custom to be obtained in Fitzgeorge-street. Mr. Sheldon may, perhaps, have pitched his tent under the impression that wherever there was mankind there was likely to be toothache, and that the healer of an ill so common to frail humanity could scarcely fail to earn his bread, let him es

en to arrive in a brougham, especially weird and nut-crackery of aspect, and to depart half an hour afterwards a beautified and renovated creature. One half of the Fitzgeorgians declared that Mr. Sheldon had established a very nice little practice, and was saving money; while the other half were still despondent, and opined that the dentist had private property, and was eating up his little capital. It transpired in course of time that Mr. Sheldon had left his native town of Little Barlingford, in Yorkshire, where his father and grandfather had been surgeon-dentists before him, to establish himself in London. He had disposed advantageously of an excellent practice, and had transferred his household goods - the ponderous chairs and tables, the wood whereof had deepened and mellowed in tint under the indefatigable hand of his grandmother - to the metropolis, speculating on the chance that his talents and appearance, address and industry, could scarcely fail to achieve a position. It was further known that he had a brother, an attorney in Gray's Inn, who visited him very frequently; that he had few other friends or acquaintance; that he was a shining example of steadiness and sobriety; that he was on the sunnier side of thirty, a bachelor, and very good-looking; and

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1 Part 1 Chapter 1 The House in Bloomsbury2 Part 1 Chapter 2 Philip Sheldon Reads the "Lancet."3 Part 1 Chapter 3 Mr. And Mrs. Halliday4 Part 1 Chapter 4 A Perplexing Illness5 Part 1 Chapter 5 The Letter from the "Alliance" Office6 Part 1 Chapter 6 Mr. Burkham's Uncertainties7 Part 2 Chapter 1 A Golden Temple8 Part 2 Chapter 2 The Easy Descent9 Part 2 Chapter 3 "Heart Bare, Heart Hungry, Very Poor."10 Part 3 Chapter 1 A Fortunate Marriag11 Part 3 Chapter 2 Charlotte12 Part 3 Chapter 3 George Sheldon's Prospects13 Part 3 Chapter 4 Diana Finds a New Home14 Part 3 Chapter 5 At the Lawn15 Part 3 Chapter 6 The Compact of Gray's Inn16 Part 3 Chapter 7 Aunt Sarah17 Part 3 Chapter 8 Charlotte Prophesies Rain18 Part 3 Chapter 9 Mr. Sheldon on the Watch19 Part 4 Chapter 1 The Oldest Inhabitant20 Part 4 Chapter 2 Matthew Haygarth's Resting-Place21 Part 4 Chapter 3 Mr. Goodge's Wisdom22 Part 5 Chapter 1 Betrayed by a Blotting-Pad23 Part 5 Chapter 2 Valentine Invokes the Phantoms of the Past24 Part 5 Chapter 3 Hunting the Judsons25 Part 5 Chapter 4 Glimpses of a Bygone Life26 Part 6 Chapter 1 Disappointment27 Part 6 Chapter 2 Valentine's Record Continued28 Part 6 Chapter 3 Arcadia29 Part 6 Chapter 4 In Paradise30 Part 6 Chapter 5 Too Fair to Last31 Part 6 Chapter 6 Found in the Bible32 Part 7 Chapter 1 In Your Patience Ye are Strong33 Part 7 Chapter 2 Mrs. Sheldon Accepts Her Destiny34 Part 7 Chapter 3 Mr. Hawkehurst and Mr. George Sheldon Come t35 Part 7 Chapter 4 Mr. Sheldon is Propitious36 Part 7 Chapter 5 Mr. Sheldon is Benevolent37 Part 7 Chapter 6 Riding the High Horse38 Part 7 Chapter 7 Mr. Sheldon is Prudent39 Part 7 Chapter 8 Christmas Peace