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Beyond The Boardroom: Hidden Agenda

Chapter 9 9

Word Count: 2467    |    Released on: 14/11/2024

each passing day. She would un

ave you found?

echnology is more complex than we thought. It

"That's exactly what J

I've discovered a hidden server

piqued. "What k

dealings with shady investors. And a po

reeled. The p

n was interrupted

's calling," R

ped a beat. What d

eed to meet,

er wavered. "Wha

"NovaTech's future. Meet me

whirled. What wou

very arrived at

d, his expre

re investigating No

arrowed. "What

t to show you something. Proo


r a folder fille

d the pages. The ev

ing a hostile take

And I need your

ed. The stakes ha

was interrupted by

ed, his eyes bla

e deceitful,"

expression calm.

to Avery's. "You're being

d around her. Who wa

passing day. She would uncover the tr

found?" Avery asked, h

s more complex than we thought. It has th

ed. The implicatio

found a trail of shell companies and offs

yes narro

on turned grim.

around her. Had she tr

, Avery conf

o talk," Avery sai

his expression w

technology. Ethan's found evidence of

nched. "That's n

lashed with an

I was protecting NovaTech.

cism was evide

is complicated. There are those wh

hirled. Was Julian

Avery received a m

fee shop on 5th and

ed a beat. Who was

op, Avery found

at's going on?

grave. "Julian's lying. He's u

rowed. "What pro

her a folder fill

dened. The evid

e you telling me t

hers. "I need your help. To

d. Had she made a

g, Avery me

omething to show

s widened.

he folder. "Eviden

turned grim. "This

mination wa

orged a plan to

lingered. Was Ale

y, Ethan, and Alexander would sto

tion hung in the a

lf, Alexander,"

're manipulating Avery, using he

owed. "What are y

red. "Julian's hiding somet

You're just trying to sa

cking. "Partnership? You ca

nd reeled.

stop," Jul

anger. "No, Julian. It's time

ween the brothe

said finally. "I

Julian's. "Tell me the

rded. "Alexander's just trying

rowed. "I want t

Fine. I'll tell

velation sh

volutionary," Julian began. "It's potenti

widened. "Wha

s planning to sell NovaTech's technology to the

ed. The stakes ha

was interrupted b

ound something

never wavered

document. It implicates Jul

d around her. What w

his true?" Av

ion turned grim.

yes narro

desperation. "I was forced int

irled. Who was behi

nd this?" A

. "Someone powerful. Someo

ion grew. She woul

lpable. His eyes blazed

calm down,"

hink you can control me? You think yo

The tension between the

stop," Julia

You're using Avery for your own g

wed. What was Alex

hat's enough,

about the investors. Ask him about

was piqued. She

exander talking ab

guarded. "Nothing, Avery.

o Julian's. She sensed

ruth, Julian,"

elling. "Fine. I'll

thick with a

" Julian began. "It's potentially catastrophic. And t

ed. The stakes had

e investors?"

erful people. People who will do what

he was caught in the m

was interrupted b

ound something

ped a beat. What h

it?" Av

reement. If NovaTech's technology falls into the w

each passing day. She would un

ave you found?

echnology is more complex than we thought. It

"That's exactly what J

I've discovered a hidden server

piqued. "What k

dealings with shady investors. And a po

reeled. The p

n was interrupted

's calling," R

ped a beat. What d

eed to meet,

er wavered. "Wha

"NovaTech's future. Meet me

whirled. What wou

very arrived at

d, his expre

re investigating No

arrowed. "What

t to show you something. Proo


r a folder fille

d the pages. The ev

ing a hostile take

And I need your

ed. The stakes ha

was interrupted by

ed, his eyes bla

e deceitful,"

expression calm.

to Avery's. "You're being

d around her. Who wa

passing day. She would uncover the tr

found?" Avery asked, h

s more complex than we thought. It has th

ed. The implicatio

found a trail of shell companies and offs

yes narro

on turned grim.

around her. Had she tr

, Avery conf

o talk," Avery sai

his expression w

technology. Ethan's found evidence of

nched. "That's n

lashed with an

I was protecting NovaTech.

cism was evide

is complicated. There are those wh

hirled. Was Julian

Avery received a m

fee shop on 5th and

ed a beat. Who was

op, Avery found

at's going on?

grave. "Julian's lying. He's u

rowed. "What pro

her a folder fill

dened. The evid

e you telling me t

hers. "I need your help. To

d. Had she made a

g, Avery me

omething to show

s widened.

he folder. "Eviden

turned grim. "This

mination wa

orged a plan to

lingered. Was Ale

y, Ethan, and Alexander would sto

tion hung in the a

lf, Alexander,"

're manipulating Avery, using he

owed. "What are y

red. "Julian's hiding somet

You're just trying to sa

cking. "Partnership? You ca

nd reeled.

stop," Jul

anger. "No, Julian. It's time

ween the brothe

said finally. "I

Julian's. "Tell me the

rded. "Alexander's just trying

rowed. "I want t

Fine. I'll tell

velation sh

volutionary," Julian began. "It's potenti

widened. "Wha

s planning to sell NovaTech's technology to the

ed. The stakes ha

was interrupted b

ound something

never wavered

document. It implicates Jul

d around her. What w

his true?" Av

ion turned grim.

yes narro

desperation. "I was forced int

irled. Who was behi

nd this?" A

. "Someone powerful. Someo

ion grew. She woul

lpable. His eyes blazed

calm down,"

hink you can control me? You think yo

The tension between the

stop," Julia

You're using Avery for your own g

wed. What was Alex

hat's enough,

about the investors. Ask him about

was piqued. She

exander talking ab

guarded. "Nothing, Avery.

o Julian's. She sensed

ruth, Julian,"

elling. "Fine. I'll

thick with a

" Julian began. "It's potentially catastrophic. And t

ed. The stakes had

e investors?"

erful people. People who will do what

he was caught in the m

was interrupted b

ound something

ped a beat. What h

it?" Av

reement. If NovaTech's technology falls into the w

round her. The merger w

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