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Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights


Word Count: 2213    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

spired by Ambitions for World Control-The Struggle for

osnia, during the last days of June, 1914, is commonly regarded as the blow which forged the chain that bound the Europea

the universe, she marked the way easy for Imperial Germany to put into effect a long-contemplated plan for territorial e

and commerce. Germany sought to obtain "a place in the sun," to use one of the Kaiser's most unfortunate expressions, and the world soon found that the "place" included the territory embracing a few por

ot such as to either gain for her the "solar warmth" which she sought to win, or gain for her the frien

rchduke in Bosnia. She sent an ultimatum to Belgrade, making demands which the Servians


en guaranteed, or at least recognized-Belgium, Denmark, Holland and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, sandwiched in between Germany, France and Belgium, together with Switzerland. The fourth group included the Balkan nations: Bulgaria, Servia, Montenegro, Greece, Turkey and Roumania, all drawn close to Russia; Norway and Sweden, and the Iberian nations, Spain and Portugal. Th

the near East, and controlling the markets as against Britain, France and Russia. Back of all this was the question of commercial suprema

k. In doing so the Kaiser ignored the rights of the small neutral states, invaded Belgium and brought his armies within threatening distance of England. France prepared to defend her country against Ge


struggled against each other, and the Nations, while seemingly at rest, regarded each other with suspicion. One of the underlying forces that the world knew must at some t

nd an enlarged and independent Servia, but at the Berlin Congress, which Austria had taken the initiative in calling, Austria showed that she wished to have as much as possible of this Christian territory of Southeastern Europe kept under the domination or nominal autho

. Austria was a trustee of the country which lies between Servia and the Adriatic sea, and while Austria's management was efficient,


ation of Bosnia by Austria, the powers that had engaged in the Berlin treaty were informed that Austria had decided to make Bosnia and Herzegovina a part o

nt the action, but the heroic Balkan struggle is a matter of history. Servia was to have secured as a share of the conquered territory a portion of Albania, on the Adriatic. This would have compensa

r share. Bulgaria stood upon her technical rights and precipitated the last Balkan war, which was really made possible, or probable, by the Austrian policy. When the war was co

Joseph, who was nearly 84 years of age, and the entire world realized that great events were likely to follow the killing of the heir apparent to the Austro-Hungarian thro


e Turkish yoke and become self-governing states, there would have been no cause for war, so far as relates to Servia and the situation which precipitat

could not have set aside racial differences, nor could it have ended the

countries so that the French-speaking communities lost in the Franco-Prussian war be ceded back to France. The cost of maintaining the feud over Alsace-Lorraine has been a burden to both France and Germany, and the progress which Germany has made in world affairs, de


for some time, and the assassination of the Teutonic heir, Francis Ferdinand, by a ward of Russia, created an occasion which gave Germany an opportunity to fight, without being com

h France, which was in the nature of a limited alliance, and Germany might have kept England out of the struggle; but Germany proceeded with a plan to invade France by way of Belgium, which was in violation of international agreement establishing Belgium's neutralit

ich seeks the common welfare of the Germanic peoples of all Europe and the advance of Teutonic culture, while Pan-Slavism, represented by Russia, seeks in the main the uniting of all the Slavonic folk


sts of Europe have been seeking the conquest of Asia for nearly half a century. German capital built railroads through Asia Minor, but English capital controls the Suez Canal. Russia welded the Balkan states until the Slavonic wedge from the Black sea

and Albanians in Europe, the Protestants among the Germans, English, Swiss and Hungarians number about 100,000,000, while the Roman Catholics in all the Latin countries, Southern Germany, Croatia, Alba

been forced to assume an attitude of tolerance, so that churches other than those established by the State have thri

mperial Germany, the differences between nations might have been settled, a

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