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Kitty's Class Day and Other Stories


Word Count: 2368    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

sigh! Are you

dertaken this journey if I had not thought it would b

e had several

having our pockets picked, are not what I call adventures. I wish there were

as she looked from the balcony which overhangs the Rhine at the hotel of the "Three Kings" at Coblentz. Ehrenbreits

ty, piquant face of a young girl. She seemed in a half melancholy, half petulant mood; and trac

mance of some sort to make it quite perfect. I d

ul to uncle or unjust to yourself. Something pleasant will happen, I've no doubt. In fact, something h

" and Amy's listle

t us, and we may be overheard," said Hel

ng of a romance?" wh

your eyes shut, these dropped from the balcony overhead. Now am

ping inside the window, e

itials, 'S.P.,' stamped on the inside, with a coat of arms below. What a fop to get up his gloves in this style! They are exquisit

nterest, and was satisfied if

ellner, and in that way we may

ed her on the

l book sent up for our names; let us look among the day's arrivals and see who 'S.P.' is. He cam

tly poring over the long list of names,

harming? 'Sigismund von Palsdorf, Dresden.' We must see him,

take them up y

and go down to dinner; shall look well about me, and if the baron is agreeable I shall make uncle return the gloves. He will thank us, and I can say I

upper table. Before she touched her soup, Amy glanced down the line of faces opposite, and finding none that answered the slight description elicited from the waiter, she leaned a little forward to examine those on her own side of the table. Some way down sat sever

any signs of

t; look at

but as he conversed with animation, the hand was in full play, now emphasizing an opinion, now lifting a glass,

e too small for those hands. Lean back and look some four or five seats lower

antly bent to her plate again

ares rudely, says 'By Jove!'

he watch, and tell me if you make any d

len talked with the major, when the word "baron" caught her ear. The speakers sat at a table behind her, so that she coul

n to-morrow?" asked a

and he must make his game while the ball is rolling, or it is

the last escapade?" ask

almost died, and the baron barely managed to get out of the

ing but love in the bargain, and he swe

ake a grand man in time. By the by, if we are going to the fortress, we must be off. Gi

by; it will do your eyes good, after the fat Fra

t unpleasant consciousness that "the pretty English girl" was herself. Longing to see which Sigismund was, she ventured to look after the young men, who paus

and Amy added, as she took his arm, "I'm seized with a longing to go to Baden-Baden

woman, and we'll do our best to have a gay

the door, Amy tried to open it. The unwieldy foreign lock resisted her efforts, an

handsome hand turned the latch, the flash of a

t out; but Helen was close behind her, and no one e

" she whispered eagerly

here w

I knew him by his hand and

ess. I thought the person was a waiter, and never loo

se gloves and inquire for Baron Sigismund Palsdorf. He will be there with a party of gentlemen. You can easi

indulging in the flights of fancy all girls love, for Helen, in spite of her three-and-twenty years, was as romantic as

ou fin

their baggage are more than one man can do his duty by, Karl Hoffman had such excellent testimonials from persons I know,

ring the gloves back?" asked A

ugh at her girlish regrets; then bade them good-night, an

oon continuing in sleep the romance she had begun awake. She dreamed that the baron proved to be the owner of

l of music, and to see Helen standing tall and white

d listen; it's a serenade," whispe

tition of the word "Amie." She thought she recognized the voice, and the sound of her own name uttered in such ardent tones made her heart beat and her color rise, for it seemed to signify that the serenade was for them. As the last melodious murmur ceased, there came a stifled laugh from

ed the flowers. "You are serenaded by some unknown nightingale, and I have flo

now the gloves will bring us fun of some kind. Do you take one and I'll take the ot

he big book. I may be bewitched by this mid-summer mo

r the dishevelled curls and braids that hung about them as the girls laughe

s, and ready for any prank. Don't tell uncle, but let us see what will come of it. I be

relish to life, Amie," laughed Nell, putting her flowers in water; and

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