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The Moon's Revelation

Chapter 4 The Earth's Reaction

Word Count: 397    |    Released on: 18/11/2024

is intrigued by the discovery of the mysterious crystalline egg hidden beneath the lunar surface. In living rooms and classrooms, discussions abound as people ponder the implications of

nspiring people to dream of what lies beyond the stars. As word of the lunar discovery spreads, governments and corporations are quick to react, each eager to stake their claim on the Moon's secrets. Leaders convene urgent meetings, discussing strategies to assert their interests in the newfound discovery. Space agencies scramble to secure funding and resources for future missions to the Moon, hoping to delve deeper into its mysteries. Meanwhile, businesses see the discovery as an opportunity for profit. Companies rush to establish partnerships and secure contracts for lunar mining and exploration, envisioning a future where valuable resources are harvested from the Moon's surface. Amidst the frenzy,

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