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Chapter 4 SOLD

Word Count: 896    |    Released on: 19/11/2024

ted from the mob of students in the

to show myself around this school after such disgrace of yesterday!" Anoth

t this time it felt different, maybe it was because now there was no escape, the

rough and got ou

Why else would she place the highest-ranking unmated male in the pack

ive everyone else theirs, to still mock me for the only thing I've ever asked you for, then you really

e person who gave it to me had already mar

. Even if there was, it'll definitely be som

he broken light bulb, and the damaged lamp stand. My entire room was a mess, not even fit for a slave, and even yet

moon goddess at the top of m

... you of all people should be on my side, b

r. I felt that he must have heard me make so much noise. He

re leaving for a trip

to where?" I as

ne here, they'll kill you before I get back. Take e

xcited. I needed a break from this pack. I began to g

but he had never taken me along. I wondered if it was becau

outside but the sun had gone down so I couldn't see the person clearly. My breath seized,

e from outside. As much as I wasn't happy to see Adrian, I

you want

one pleading. Whatever could make him come here was really import

ing, I won't be in anyone's hair

f. "Are you so stupid? You don't know how dangerous those

g about, Adrian?" I

s for a hobby. He's a beast and he definitely looks like one. No one knows what he looks like, he hides away from society bec

until it all dies down, I'll tell my father I want you by my side, he c

ut? What about Lycans? What's happening?" I a

ell you?" Adrian aske

e?... He said... he said we're go

n disappointment. "He's

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