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Molly McDonald / A Tale of the Old Frontier


Word Count: 2144    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

hen he became swift, impetuous, seemingly borne forward by some inspiring instinct. It was for such experiences as this that he remained i

nrewarded service of the frontier, and, when scarcely more than a boy,

idden recklessly out from under the protection of the river bank, spreading to right and left, as their ponies' hoofs struck the turf, and were now charging down upon the disabled coach, yelling madly and brandishing their guns. The very reckless abandon of their advance expressed the concepti

s were quick to perceive the peculiar advantage of position; that their assailants would be compelled to advance from only one direction. The three within were barely struggling to their feet, d

gh the back there big enough to sight out of. Hit it hard, damn you, it's a case of life or death! What have you got, Gonzales? A revolver? Into that window there, a

oot! See!" and she flashed a pearl-handled revolver defiantly. The Sergeant thrust her u

s is our fight. Get down! Now,

rses, men gripping their ponies' manes to keep erect, staring, frightened eyes, animals flung back on their haunches, rearing madly in the air. The fierce yell of exultation changed into a savage scream, bullets crashed into the thin sides of the coach; it rocked with the contact of a half-naked body flung forward by a plunging horse; the Mexican swore wildly in Spanish, and then-the sm

ietly, all trace of excitement vanished. "Better load up, boys, for we 'r

ying vainly to put a hand on the spot. "Felt like a streak o' fire

heavy artillery out there from the sound-old army muskets likely. It is our r

ng into the other's face. "Sacre! dey vil fight deeferent de ne

ly as if it were an old friend, and smiled

est of them for distance," he replied easily, "

," answered the sutler soberly. "I toted one four years. But

," and he bent his head slightly, glancing aga

ck' H

yes laughing. "Born that way, but does n't seem to interfere with me much, since I w

erely nodded, evidently

oin' to do? This yere stagecoach ain't much of a fort to keep off a bunch o' redskins once they git their mad up. Them musket bullets go through like t

un was already sinking low in the west, and the Indians, gathered in counc

nce for even an Indian to hide in that buffalo-grass with the stars shining. They have got to come up from below, for no buck could climb down this bluff without making a noise. I don't see why, with decent luck, we can't

if I believe they 'll send us a man. Those two cowards will likely report us all dead-otherwise they would n't have

"we 've simply got to fight it out alone, I reckon, and h

e time at the distant group

aid Moylan at last. "Some of 'em are Cheyennes

k humped up

arney two years ago. Had a council there. Say!" in surprise, "ain't

thered head-dress indicated, s

e're going to have the biggest scrap this summer the old army has had yet. Looks as though it was going to beg

gh the ragged hole in the back of the coach, and the little Mexican lay flat, his eyes on the level wit

he gathering twilight distorted the figures, making them almost grotesque in their savagery. Yet they could be clearly distinguished, stealing silently forward, guns in hand, spreading out in a wide half-circle, obedient to the gestures of Roman Nose, who, still mounted upon his pony, was traversing the river bank, his eve

muttered, never glancing

ip steady. Only a dim fleeting memory of the girl, half hidden in the darkness behind, gave him uneasiness-he could not turn and look into her eyes. Roman Nose was advancing now at the centre of that creeping half circle, a hulking figure perched on his pony's back, yet well out of rifle range. He spread his hands apart, clasping a blank

ir feet!" Hamlin cried eagerly. "

od! He never thought of the girl, never saw her grip the pistol from the Mexican's dead hand, and crawl white-faced, over his body, to that front seat. All he really knew was that those devils were coming, leaping, crowding through the smoke wreathes; he saw them stumble, and rise again; he saw one leap into the air, and then crash face down; he saw them break, circling to right and left, crouching as they ra

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