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The CEO's Unexpected Romance

Chapter 3 The reveal

Word Count: 1830    |    Released on: 24/11/2024

at still clinging to her climbing gloves as she pushed them away. Her pants were a little more baggy, giving her more room to mo

breaking her focus. "Hello?" Stil

g? Her father's hushed vo

wait?" Amelia let out a sigh, feeling as thoug

somewhat strange tone in his voice, he inqu

lted when he realized her parents would be furious if they dis

Amelia to hear her well, she redirected

." She was confused by his ambiguous remarks when he told her. What on ea



hite chiffon top, stiletto heels, and blue trousers that hugged my legs. Before talking to my father, I flex m

melia." greeted my d

I asked for. I was left waiting alone in the waiting are

that. "He's prepared for you, M

a little pat on the arm and mumbled somet

oached him and threw a loving, tight hug around him. I sat down across t

d you here, Amelia.

er a few hours of travel. Why is it so critical that we are unable to speak over the phone?" As soon as I

d me. When Dad was around me, he was rarely serious

ng, "Dad, you have my undying love. What's not right? How do I make it right?" I asked, sincere in my desire t

. Since Mr. Baker was one of my closest friends, he was aware of the need for us to reinvest our funds to expand. Baker's son assumed leadership after his death. Regretfully, he lacks his father's level of sympathy by far. He now threatens

e lost if things don't work out. In any way I can, Dad, I'll help you rectify this. I do." I gave him a loving smile and held both of his hands, reassuring him, but the dejected expression in his

ly if you could... agree to his condition." Dad said, and for a moment I furrowed my brows, attempting to figure

nued to hold his hand

t. Every action was tinged with contemplation. I could see he was extremely b

m to raise his gaze back to me. I made sure to meet his eyes, showing him

in marriage as payment for ever

led out after giving him a blank look for a

from him slowly. I gave him a long, squinting look as I watched in shock at what was becoming real. I eventually got up and moved away from him, but then I stopped abruptly and paced back and fort

y to forget everything, all we owe him if only I accept his marria

. I moved my hands off my hips and folded the

if my father was involved, I questioned. Was he prepared to abandon me in this way? Dad stood up

he devil. After giving it some thought, Amelia, I decided to change my mind and say y

n instant, your grandfather would be a complete embarrassment." He said, but I didn't say anythin

de for their family in the same way as before. Much is at stake in this." He cont

bsolute stranger? His odd choice to give me up instead surprised me

ves that would be lost should you reject this idea." He made an effort to clarify, but as he talked more

anyone else, I trusted to protect me. This same man was prepared to cast me into the lake of fire to improve everyone else.

red him, didn't give him another time to speak, grabbed my purse from

me with emotion. To be honest, I detested seeing him so defenseless, knocked out, and abused, but this was my life, after all. Matrimony is not a game for kids. It's not a matter that can be resolved quickly. We're not in a tango here, as it takes two to dance. I took a deep breath and hated this exact moment in my life. This could not end

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1 Chapter 1 Not so good news2 Chapter 2 The plea3 Chapter 3 The reveal4 Chapter 4 Forced engagement5 Chapter 5 Family confrontation6 Chapter 6 The lie7 Chapter 7 Preparations and my office8 Chapter 8 Visit to the office9 Chapter 9 You are mine10 Chapter 10 Hiccups11 Chapter 11 Abrupt end12 Chapter 12 The car ride13 Chapter 13 The arrival14 Chapter 14 The kitchen incident15 Chapter 15 Sleep deprived16 Chapter 16 Avoid and evade17 Chapter 17 Forewarning18 Chapter 18 The drive19 Chapter 19 The rain20 Chapter 20 Questions and problems21 Chapter 21 Corporate meeting22 Chapter 22 Annoyance23 Chapter 23 Observation24 Chapter 24 At a loss for words25 Chapter 25 Silent ride26 Chapter 26 Physical closeness and gossip27 Chapter 27 Runaway28 Chapter 28 Fence jump and drowning29 Chapter 29 Flashback and fever30 Chapter 30 Awakening31 Chapter 31 Follow-up32 Chapter 32 A flash from the past33 Chapter 33 Close contact34 Chapter 34 Ground rules35 Chapter 35 A truce36 Chapter 36 Intervention37 Chapter 37 The game38 Chapter 38 Games night39 Chapter 39 The outing40 Chapter 40 Questions41 Chapter 41 In love42 Chapter 42 The audacity43 Chapter 43 Revelation44 Chapter 44 Dress-up45 Chapter 45 Stolen kiss46 Chapter 46 The accident47 Chapter 47 Strong feelings48 Chapter 48 The message49 Chapter 49 Hints of care50 Chapter 50 Divorce51 Chapter 51 Confessions52 Chapter 52 Feelings53 Chapter 53 Let's go for a run54 Chapter 54 Filled with wrath55 Chapter 55 The quarrel56 Chapter 56 The right decision57 Chapter 57 Finally58 Chapter 58 A good night59 Chapter 59 Impossible60 Chapter 60 Flash from the past61 Chapter 61 Kidnap62 Chapter 62 Before the kidnap63 Chapter 63 A baby64 Chapter 64 Disappointment65 Chapter 65 Make-up