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The Sealed Secret

Chapter 5 5.The Soul-Mates in Deeper Love

Word Count: 995    |    Released on: 26/11/2024

hink for just a moment. An Oak tree began as an acorn. A six

rn lessons from others and eq

etunde was growing daily and waxing stronger and stronger every moment. The amorous relation

yer that Love al


mazing love affairs between the two candidates of destiny wer

ing in bits and pieces. They were genuinely in

him with love beyond imagination. She became very secured and confid

ot on the skin, you could imagine the he

ch other as a companion. The visible affection they have for each other waxed stronger and better by the day. Yetunde was nice

with Yetunde and did his best

essages sent to appealin

t the years and we remained inspired to go further together

nde and motivated her to do well at school. They were created for each other in the smo

it is usually in that dimension. Their meeting together was neither a mistake nor accident but the h

of Engedi. A very beautiful girl with the eyes that is s

lso a pretty girl in those

ty, Yetunde's time has come. No hesitation about that. Everything was changing for good. Life was gett

thout any further delay. The beloved Segun too never stopped watering the clouds of Yetunde with raw cash

ull of rain, they empty themselves up

ith not expresse

rom parading the place! What an ove

ng Yetunde, there was no vacancy for those who are not ready for seriou

e and marvellous indeed! Hardly was there a day that they wi

. He adored her passionately with a loving heart and

e sheep's wool newly shorn and washed; perfectly matched without one missing. Harmon

the lilies; what a lovely filly Yetunde's lovely cheeks, statel

tripping feet and waist like a he

The bonding love was outlandish and rare. Segun t

inside the stream of love already. The boat of

ng, precious, glorious, digni

s ever tired of listening to an interesting music. A nice

aten many times non -stop if available. In fact, a nice

ess there is an issue on the way. In fact, nothing s

r slaughter, only the harrowing noise

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