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Only an Irish Boy; Or, Andy Burke's Fortunes


Word Count: 1356    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

e care of a garden?"

wered Andy

used to agricu

rkin' on a fa

eft us, and we must

" chimed

ou are co


e," sa

er, Sophia," said Priscil


week. What compensa

wages y

Sophia was

he man you had before me

dollars a mon

me," said Andy

ad been working he had receiv

oy. Men folks ge

k as he did any day,

we'll give you five dollars the first week

o," sai

here?" inq

ur home here. We will

hall I

d some wood s

er time. I'll just go home and g

ner here. It will be r


said Andy; "I

ive in th

other lives up

it some wood, and we'l

e ax and the s

ith a will. He was greatly elated at having secured so profitable a job. He meant to give satisfaction, so as to keep it. Five dollars a week an

ut what queer old ladies they are, especially the one that's always sayin' 'just so

their new "man" worked. Occasionally Priscilla, as she w

s if he knew how


works faster


t he should be the gre



uld be sawing wo


ust be kind t

iss you, Priscilla," said S

se, sister," s

ed the other, fro

summons. He had a hearty appetite at all times, and just now it was increased by his unrequited labo

y savory and inviting. Andy's eyes fairly danced with satisfaction as they rested on the roast beef and vegetables, which emitted an odor of a high

d Miss Priscilla. "I th

l me 'And

ew. Shall I give


ve it rare o

m. I have it rar

a joke," said Priscilla

illa," and Soph

to poverty, Andrew, or you would not b

am," said Andy, wi

r family pro

eculation," said And

. Sophia, we must

o, Pris

t lose all

a living," said Sophia, wi

sted that he came near choking, but recovere

scarcely make a living in that w


ou been in this


the emergency, but his evident enjoyment of the dinner only gratified the

do, ma'am?" a

go on saw

during the afternoon. By this time there w

Miss Priscilla app

w," sh

, ma

u feel

tle, m

other know w


ke to go home

a'am, I

or after supper,

I'll g

back and sleep here. We do not fe

attered at being re

y time you name,

ere at nin


d to tell his mother and Mary the good news abo

p inquiringly as he

Andy?" she asked. "I t

o easy, mother. Shur


ve got

dy? You are

How much do you think I

lar a

u say to th

boy, Andy. I'm

dollars a week, mother?"

id his sister. "I don't belie

ollars a week I'm to get. Ask

iss Gr

queer old ladies. One of 'm

Miss Soph

aid Andy, mi

Andy. Then it's them

y kind. I'm goin' back

man to pur


, Andy? What could you do i

at Paddy did the

ady," announc

s mother expected, and it seemed likely that they would g

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