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Peeps At Many Lands: Belgium

Chapter 7 NEW YEAR'S DAY

Word Count: 1015    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

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a family does not finish any sewing or fancy-work she may have on hand by the end of the day, she is afraid of being haunted by evil spirits. Some people say that a young woman who does not finish her work before sunset has no chance of being married for a year. So they all g

afés are crowded till twelve o'clock, when healths are drunk, and there is cheering and singing, which are continued in the

The more shots he fires the more she thinks he loves her, and to reward him she ought to hide a bottle of gin in some corner outside the house, from which he can drink her health. Mischievous young men, however, sometimes find

in Belgian towns that people who have many friends spend almost the whole day in walking or driving about from one house to another. As everyone is doing the same thing, of course a great many people are not at home

n, to kiss anyone they know on New Year's Day. A Belgian lady once told me that it brought good luck to kiss an of

s, brothers and sisters, and all the friends of the family in this way. They get up early, and hide themselves, so as to be able to jump out suddenly, and say "Een Zalig Nieuwjahr," which means "A Good New Year." All day long they go

omething. They are very greedy. Railway-porters who have once brought a box to your house, ring your bell and beg. Telegraph-boys, scavengers paid by the town, bell-ringers, policemen, shop-boys, everyone comes bowing and s

and the first Monday after Epiphany is the idlest of them all. It is called Verloren Maandag, or, in French, Lundi Perdu, which means "Lost Monday," because no one does any work. The day is spent going about asking for money, and at night there is a g

d wound or kill those who have offended them. By a curious superstition it is thought unlucky to work on Lost Monday

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