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The Shadow CEO

Chapter 5 The Price of Power

Word Count: 575    |    Released on: 07/12/2024

First day, first day as Julian Saint Clair's assistant. This was it. The weight o

lobby, the sleek, glass-lined lobby with its quiet efficiency buzzed in the perfect minimalist understatement of the power possessed by her

a little bit not quite there yet. Her stomach started to knot with questions as the eleva

atch the understated wealth it promised. The tone was brisk, not unfriendl

if she was the reason he got out of bed that morning. He

in the chair across from him, holding onto her bag tight

re to manage my schedule, deal with correspondence and arrange travel.' Then you hav

d and went to lean forward and sharpen his gaze. What I need most of all is discretion. Inter alia, the

fidential? What could

rstand." He smiled, his tone softened. "I'll see to

to believe, wanted to trust it was a new beginning. One thing J

went on to outline what he needed her to do. A small part of her couldn't ignore the feeling that this

s flying around of questions this might answer. There was determination mudded with a faint sen

Saint Clair's world, but. She could only hop

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