Break my heart, twice
as D
in his pockets, his usual smirk noticeably absent. He glanced at her briefly, then looke
er than she intended. She hated how defensive she so
cking at a loose pebble on the
etween them heavy and uncomfortable. She felt his ga
amien spoke again, his tone softer
y turned to face him, her eyes blazing. "Just don't. I
didn't mean what I said. I just-" He paused, running a hand through his h
e wasn't ready to let him off the hook. "Well
k away. "I know. I... I don't kn
. She searched his face for any hint of mockery but
t over in her hands. "Apology accepted," she said flatly, though her
n replied, a faint grin tuggi
e creeping onto her face as she turned back toward the stree
Aaron and her head was slightly spinning with st
I thought it was a one time thing that
and snatched it from Kristen's hands.
e her life hell had just saved her. She wasn't sure whether to thank him or question his motives
d now that I do, I'm not crazy about this. Just don't tell mom dad. Wait
letting this discretion slide but this is the last time. If next time I catch you with a vape or a cigarette in hand, you're not gonna be able to stand outside and argue with me" saying
Damien's voice echoed in her head: "It's mine. She just wanted to try it." Why had he done it? What did he want f