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The Black Creek Stopping-House, and Other Stories

The Black Creek Stopping-House, and Other Stories


Chapter 1 THE OLD TRAIL.

Word Count: 1289    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

in old Victoria Hall in Winnipeg that night, so many years ago now,

streets were muddy, as only Winnipeg streets in the old days could be-none of your light-minded, fickle-hearted, changeable mud that is mud to-day

ttending lay in a perfectly legitimate desire to see for himself

liked it. He liked the music, and the good fellowship, and the swing and the zip of it all. More still, he liked the blue

Every minute he liked her better, and when the meeting was over and an invitation was given to the anxious ones to "tarry

essed by these insatiably curious people as to what his duties in the livery stable were, he always described his position as that of "chamber maid." Here the magistrates and other questioners thought that Mr. Corbett was disposed to be fa

everal chairs and a round table with a well-concealed drawer, which opened with a spring, and held four packs and an assorted variety of chips! Its one window wa

k inside as it always appeared to be on the outside. Two anxious ones, whose money was troubling th

hy, mother of Maggie Murphy who sold War Crys, was consulted. Mrs. Murphy had long been a soldier in the Army, and she had seen

r, and installed himself in the only vacant room in the Murphy house, having read the black and white card in the parlor window, whic

at night for a week or more, Mr. Corbett decided he liked her methods. The

Mr. Corbett stated his


th cards and I can deal myself three out of the four aces- but that's not much good to a man who tries to earn an honest living. I am willing to try w

"took" him, he could not keep any of the money he had won gambling-he would have to start honest. Mr.

ubstance, and wasted his days, but who knows but the Lord can use him yet to His honor and glory. The Lord ain't like us, havin' to wait until He gets everything

and John Corbe

en years, and in spite of the dismal prognostications of friends, John Corbett worked industriously, and did not show any desire to return to his old ways! When he said he would do wh

name, and she felt that it was not seemly to use the prefix, so again she followed

cussed. They sold out the contents of their house, and, purchasing oxen and a covered wagon, they made the long overland journey. On the bank of Black Creek they pitched their tent, and b

was drawn in from as far south as Lloyd's Lake, the Black Cree

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