The Cave in the Mountain / A Sequel to In the Pecos Country
Author: Edward Sylvester Ellis Genre: Young AdultThe Cave in the Mountain / A Sequel to In the Pecos Country
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oung friend. The latter, it will be remembered, left him sleeping upon the Apache blanket, at the bottom of the cave, while he, the lad, w
s no danger to be apprehended, he transferred all his anxiety over to his young friend while he sailed off into the land of dreams. When he awoke and recalled where he
intleman, after he'd kicked me out of the same. The fall ain't far enough to hurt him seriou
p. A transient glimpse was gained of an area of several hundred feet
impatiently. "He thought there was something that it would pa
fired his gun. The echoes were not so loud as when Fred had fired, but the racket was suffici
s young friend, and hoped that he would be able to work his way back
y. He may work away till he becomes weary, and then he'll be back here, and we'll hare to contrive some other way, or
to believe that something serious had happened to him. At intervals he r
some of the calls, the despairing kid was doing the same thing, and, altho
up at the opening, Mickey saw the prepared blanket slowl
find myself in pressing naad of the same. I have one here, b
ach he would cut the lasso, and take it, but bef
f the Apaches was, but he wa
o difficult to decide upon me duty, as the owld lady obsarved when the bear g
ket was lowered and raised again without molestation, alm
the spalpeens himself. Begorr
began its descent, enfolding the form of one of the swa
firing, resolved that he would do nothing at all, unless compelled to in self-defense. About this time an idea bega
e background, they might begin to believe that he had discovered the means of exit which was unknown to them. He had no fear of not being able to keep out of their way, where he had such abundant ro
o hand in the way of protest. Not knowing how many the party numbered, he could not conjecture how many were left when the five had come down, and the
k to a point a hundred yards away from where the grou
in me face, I kin dodge down behind the same,"
plied his ear to the earth. If the Apaches were moving about, the noise made by their feet was so slight that he could not be certain whether they were ac
he opening and plumped down upon the ground below, his start on this journey b
n-stairs," muttered Mickey, who supposed that th
m above, and, as each word was distinctly heard, there was no room for an
home sober one night. That laddy, in hunting around, has struck upon some hole that leads out, and he's forgot,
eft up there in the way of Apaches but one, and he ain't an Apache, but a gintleman named Fred Moonson. Here's to his h
under control when he fairly understood the brillian
ut I must try and hold in till I can get the laddy by hims
would have "uncovered" his position. The Irishman was quick-witted, and it occurred to him that the last incident which had happened at the entrance to the
t wise to make a cautious reply, merely to apprise the lad that he wa
came down again. The result of this repulse was much more decisive than Fred had supposed. The warriors seemed to suspect that they were throwing awa
little reconnoissance which might possibly open the way that they were so anxiously seeking. One of the redskins passed almost within arm's length of him, never suspecting, a
if me laddy will let down the lasso, I'll thry the bootiful experiment of shin
being able to locate it by means of the moonlit opening
is loafing about here, getti
nst an Apache, whom he did
anger, no doubt suspecting that
n drew back and struck a blow tha
here when a gintleman runs again ye
ng about, he felt the end of the lasso dangling in front of h