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The Mystery at Putnam Hall: The School Chums' Strange Discovery

The Mystery at Putnam Hall: The School Chums' Strange Discovery



Word Count: 1812    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

n, as the clown s

nam Hall once more," responded Major Jack Ruddy, as he foll

sight of a familiar face in the crowd of cadets, "Andy, whe

Andy Snow. "How are you, anywa

mb," answered Pepper Ditmore, with

I'll wager. How

major of the Putnam Hall battalion. "But, Andy, did you-- Hi, look

se, had forced his way through the crowd,

ay for?" demanded Reff Ritter, s

you have!" retorted the young major, shar

you get i

u'll take the

d Reff Ritter. "You got the best of me last term, but you

omewhat peppery!"

son," came from a stude

t is

-too much of a crowd

Ithaca, and these, along with some others who had come down to the dock to see the boat come

y. But he had hoped that during the term now opening at th

swered Jack, as calmly as he could. "But I don'

an accident!"

lter, the bully's close crony. "Let

fore the others take the seats!" c

elbow caught Pepper Dit

a quick shove backwards. Paxton bumped into Reff Ritter, lost hi

dy Snow. "How many yards to

!" roared Nick Paxton, as he scramble

ext time keep your elbow out of my ribs," he added. "Co

as suited the mood of each individual. Jack, Pepper, Andy and Dale managed to crowd inside throwing their suitcases on the top. Gus Coulter got in al

gaily, to the driver of the turnout. "How

thank you," respon

t on Pepper, with a wink at his chums. "Ol

n," put in Andy Snow, scent

k. "Peleg, how about lendin

five-spot mysel

fifty for a new bicycle,

e cash," went on Pepper. "Just hand

!" burst out the general utility m

d Pepper. "Come, don't be modest about it.

s more," sug

not carry so much around

e of your jokes, an' I want you to stop it! Oh, dear, now the school's opened ag'

rmured Pepper, with a trace of tears in

pper Ditmore, or I won't

asked Andy, who was on the front se

alarm. "That off hoss is a new one an' he's mighty skittish, I can tell you

me in ugly tones from Reff Ritter. He, with si

riages," answered Peleg Snuggers. "There the

go in the carryall

" added Gu

carriages," answered Peleg Snuggers. "Everybody

, gaily. "Farewell to Cedarv

andspring for you," came from

s," pleaded the driver of the carryall

ll keep as quiet as a

a tail quiet?" asked

up, Fre

has no tal


t a

w him

some cotto

oys in the carryall commenced to push Fred from one se

ny accident on the way to the Hall." He looked back at the cr

wered a student named Paul Sing

Emerald?" a

"He went to Ireland this summer, a

fellow," said Major Jack. "Hi

Reff Ritter mad

"After all that happened last term would

elf," answered Fred Century. "H

said Major Jack, with a firm look on his face. "I

f he doesn't keep his dis

e of Cedarville. Soon it came out on a country

cadets returning to the school were in high spir

Pornell Academy stage!"

d Jack, as the turnout belonging to a rival s

e over what happened l

ult that they suffer

t Dale, and dodged

rnout. Spat! came one through the open window. Then


things in h

Pornell Academy, and he threw another soft apple into the ca

rought forth an orange he had purchased on the boat. Taking careful aim, he le

nd clapped his hand to his

ied Andy, and sent a handful of peanut

catching up a heavy book that was on the seat beside

hing poor Peleg Snuggers on the cheek. The driver of the carryall was so star

in sudden fright. Then he made a mad lunge forward, dragging his mate with him. The c

team!" w

s are runn

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