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The Part Borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia 1606-1765


Word Count: 662    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ch took place in 1623. Since the Journal and the charts of this voyage are no longer available, we are without the most important data for determining with certainty between what degrees of longitude

eached the western extremity of Melville Island (Roode hoek = red point). He took Dundas Strait to be not a strait, but a

p. 100-102, and the Documen

Documents un

to eastward of Van Diemens-land,

ll-known chart of 1644, in which the results of Tasman's voyages are recorded. Tasman sailed along the whole of the coast, but in this case too, his observations were not on all points accurate. Thus the situation of Wessel-eiland and the islets south of it, with respect to the mainland, is not given correctly by him; nor has he apprehended the real character of Dundas

w may also be of exc

f service to elucidate Tasman's discoveries and those of his predecessors. It is to be regretted, therefore, that it only embraces a comparatively small portion of the north-west coast, namely the part extending from the west-

ts under No. XXXIII

ns Land, Waterplacts, Vuyle Bocht, Vuijl Eijland, Hoek van Goede Hoop, Hoefyzer Hoek, Fortuyns Hoek, Schrale Hoek, Valsche Westhoek, Valsche Bocht, Bedriegers Hoek, Westhoek van 3 Bergen's bocht of Vossenbos Ruyge Hoek, Orangie Hoek, Witte Hoek, Waterplacts, Alkier liggen drie bergen, Toppershoedje, Oosthoek van Drie Berge


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1 Chapter 1 Exploratory voyage of the ships Rijder and Buis, commanded by lieutenant Jan Etienne Gonzal and first mate Lavienne Lodewijk Van Asschens, to the Gulf of Carpentaria (1756)2 Chapter 2 C. D. VAN DIJK. Mededeelingen uit het Oost-Indisch Archief. No. 1. Twee togten naar de Golf van Carpentaria. (Amsterdam, Scheltema, 1859).3 Chapter 3 OCCASION AND OBJECT OF THE PRESENT WORK.4 Chapter 4 CHRONOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE DUTCH DISCOVERIES ON THE MAINLAND COAST OF AUSTRALIA.5 Chapter 5 THE NETHERLANDERS IN THE GULF OF CARPENTARIA[ ]6 Chapter 6 THE NETHERLANDERS ON THE NORTH-WEST COAST OF AUSTRALIA.7 Chapter 7 THE NETHERLANDERS ON THE WEST- AND SOUTH-WEST COAST OF AUSTRALIA8 Chapter 8 THE NETHERLANDERS TO EASTWARD OF PIETER NUYTS-LAND.9 Chapter 9 (1595)10 Chapter 10 (1602).11 Chapter 11 (1605-1606).12 Chapter 12 No.1213 Chapter 13 (1607).14 Chapter 14 (1616).15 Chapter 15 (1616). No.1516 Chapter 16 No.1617 Chapter 17 (1616). No.1718 Chapter 18 No.1819 Chapter 19 (1618).20 Chapter 20 (1618). No.2021 Chapter 21 (1619) 22 Chapter 22 (1619)23 Chapter 23 No.2324 Chapter 24 (1622)25 Chapter 25 (1622) No.2526 Chapter 26 JOINT VOYAGE OF THE TWO SHIPS.--VOYAGE OF THE PERA BY HERSELF UNDER CARSTENSZ, AFTER THE ARNHEM HAD PARTED COMPANY WITH HER [ ].27 Chapter 27 A SUMMARY ABSTRACT [ ] OF THE JOURNAL OF THE MAIN INCIDENTS BEFALLEN IN THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY TO EASTWARD WITH THE YACHTS PERA AND AERNEM. BEGUN THIS 21ST OF JANUARY A.D. 1623.28 Chapter 28 No.2829 Chapter 29 (1623)30 Chapter 30 (1624)31 Chapter 31 (1626)32 Chapter 32 (1627)33 Chapter 33 (1627) No.3334 Chapter 34 (1627) No.3435 Chapter 35 (1628)36 Chapter 36 No.3637 Chapter 37 (before 1629)38 Chapter 38 (1629) [ ].39 Chapter 39 (1635) [ ].40 Chapter 40 (1636).41 Chapter 41 No.4142 Chapter 42 (1642-1643).43 Chapter 43 (1644).44 Chapter 44 (1648).45 Chapter 45 (1656-1658).46 Chapter 46 No.4647 Chapter 47 (1658).48 Chapter 48 (1678).49 Chapter 49 (1696-1697).50 Chapter 50 No.5051 Chapter 51 (1705).52 Chapter 52 No.5253 Chapter 53 (1721-1722).54 Chapter 54 (1727).55 Chapter 55 No.5556 Chapter 56 d'Edels landt, zie Dedelsland.