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The Rocks of Valpré


Word Count: 2510    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

happy that day-the first and foremost of these being the long-anticipated adventure that lay before her; the second that her two young brothers had improved so g

but that he was reserving to himself the pleasure of offering it in person when they should meet again, which happy event would, he believed, take place at no distant date. In fact, Chris might see him a

to dwell upon unwelcome things, and Jack had, moreover, made the prospect attractive by the suggestion that they might possibly spend two or thr

iselle had packed for her picnic-poor Mademoiselle, who could not understand how any demoiselle could prefer to eat her food upon the beach. In fact, Chris

here would be enough. She even told herself privately that it would be the best

of a familiar white figure awaiting them there. He came to meet

od wishes?" he said, a

horribly old. Do you know I'm seventeen?

hear it," h

ext year yet. Have you

want any help, thank yo

ly, ready to give his hand at a moment's notice. But Chris was very sure-footed,

o drink," she remarked presen

ttermost. He had not forgotten the lantern. It was waiting by the Magic

ture without delay. Should they not explore first and have tea after?

under the cliffs, she found a surprise in s

lat-topped rock, and on this were set a lar

!" ejacul

" exclaimed t

ands, "it's not a bit of good doing that. It doesn't deceive me in the least. I know you did it, and you're a perfect dear, and it was sweet of you to think of it. It's the best

e produced cups, saucers, plates, knives,

on. "What a mercy the gulls didn't seize it w

erform that ceremon

ly. What lovely sweets! Did they come out of the Magic C

of Paradise would like

she is inclined to be rather greedy. Please take the kettle off. It's spluttering. You must ma

e couldn't scramble over such a cake as that. And the rain came down in a sharp

lls as she entered, and she turned with a slightly startled

ns of the feast. "Quick!" she cal

called back, and in a few

said. "You a

his look of inquiry. "But it's h

r. Cinders was obviously exploring on his own account,

, her misgivings diverted into another cha

ight dress, but turne

ck to catch her mood. "I will go to f

me!" said C

Let us rem


lders, then stooped without fur

sea and pattering heavily upon the shingle. The waves b

of the cave, shivered again. Someho

wound between rugged cliff-walls into darkness. The rock gleamed black and shiny o

ng seemed to catch the whisper and repeat it sibilan

t so narrow in a moment. If you look behind you, you will see t

er. She looked and admired, though the sea

soon," he said. "See! It

spoke, though his glance fell

here often?

y often,

t do you

how you b

. "Then we won't go any farth

ment. The darkness had swallowed Cinders as completely

id Chris, a quiver of

will find him," Be

y close to him, especially when a curve in the passage hid the e

widened. They emerged into a cave o

announced Bertran

en; Cinders was n

rock was unlike anything she had ever seen before. The

often!" she said

pointed to a crevice just above his h

ree hand, and drew forward something that gave back dully the flare o

y black arts," he said, "and my future." He pushed it back

mystery, but before she could begin to utter them a long and piteous

she cried. "Th

s still echoing all about them. "Oh, isn't it d

to reassure her. "He is only

naturally as a child. Her chin was quivering, and her voic

ere we are because of

hey say that it was made by the contrabandists, but it leads to nowhere; it has b

ave in which they had been standing. Bertrand went firs

p-a pathetic yelping considerably farther away than it had been before. The unlucky wanderer se

is in tears. "I've never hea

ge, little one! We may find him at any moment. Will you then wait while I s

me!" entreated Chris.

e two passages. If I do not find him in the one,

said Chris, with a gulp. "If I am only g

o-" he

it. I will wait for you here, if you think i

ise," h

rged, drawing her hand from h

m her with the light, she covered her face and trembled. I

they died away at last and she stood alone in the utter, vault-l

then something moved with a small rustling. It might have been a lizard, a crab, or even a bat. But Chris thought of snakes and stiffened to rigidity, scarcely daring to breathe. The ro

ate courage she kept herself from panic. Cinders might run against her at any moment-at any moment. And even if not, ev

I am so frightened. Do br

t was a brave little tune; she knew not whence it came till it suddenly flashed upon her that she had heard it on Bertrand's l

l suddenly in the middle of a bar there came the rush and patter of feet, a yelp of sheer, exube

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1 Chapter 1 No.12 Chapter 2 THE KNIGHT OF THE MAGIC CAVE3 Chapter 3 DESTINY4 Chapter 4 A ROPE OF SAND5 Chapter 5 THE DIVINE MAGIC6 Chapter 6 THE BIRTHDAY TREAT7 Chapter 7 THE SPELL8 Chapter 8 IN THE CAUSE OF A WOMAN9 Chapter 9 THE PRECIPICE10 Chapter 10 THE CONQUEST11 Chapter 11 THE WARNING12 Chapter 12 DOUBTS13 Chapter 13 DE PROFUNDIS14 Chapter 14 ENGAGED15 Chapter 15 THE SECOND WARNING16 Chapter 16 THE COMPACT17 Chapter 17 A CONFESSION18 Chapter 18 A SURPRISE VISIT19 Chapter 19 THE EXPLANATION20 Chapter 20 THE BIRTHDAY PARTY21 Chapter 21 PALS22 Chapter 22 A REVELATION23 Chapter 23 MISGIVINGS24 Chapter 24 SUMMER WEATHER25 Chapter 25 ONE OF THE FAMILY26 Chapter 26 DISASTER27 Chapter 27 GOOD-BYE TO CHILDHOOD28 Chapter 28 THE LOOKER-ON29 Chapter 29 A BARGAIN30 Chapter 30 THE ENEMY31 Chapter 31 THE THIN END32 Chapter 32 THE ENEMY MOVES33 Chapter 33 A WARNING VOICE34 Chapter 34 A BROKEN REED35 Chapter 35 A MAN OF HONOUR36 Chapter 36 WAR37 Chapter 37 FIREWORKS38 Chapter 38 THE TURN OF THE TIDE39 Chapter 39 MINE OWN FAMILIAR FRIEND 40 Chapter 40 A DESPERATE REMEDY41 Chapter 41 WHEN LOVE DEMANDS A SACRIFICE42 Chapter 42 THE WAY OF THE WYNDHAMS43 Chapter 43 THE REFUGEE44 Chapter 44 A MIDNIGHT VISITOR45 Chapter 45 A FRUITLESS ERRAND46 Chapter 46 THE DESIRE OF HIS HEART47 Chapter 47 THE STRANGER48 Chapter 48 MAN TO MAN49 Chapter 49 THE MESSENGER50 Chapter 50 ARREST51 Chapter 51 VALPRé AGAIN52 Chapter 52 THE INDESTRUCTIBLE53 Chapter 53 THE END OF THE VOYAGE54 Chapter 54 THE PROCESSION UNDER THE WINDOWS