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Two Little Savages / Being the adventures of two boys who lived as Indians and what they learned

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1306    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

is bent shoulders, and in his hands was a long-handled net. His features, smothered in a grizzly beard, were very promi

easant breeze Yan saw that the wearer had hair like his own-a coarse, paleolithic ma

he in tones whose gentleness was in no

ewhat the stranger'

am only trying to see what th

ard to read the riddle of the spring Peeper. Ah lay there all day, aye, and mony anither day, yes, it was nigh onto three ye

es near 41 the ditch, and soon capture

St. Andrew's cross on his wee back. Ye see the whistling ones in the water put on'y their beaks oot an' is hard to see. Then they sinks to the bottom

He told about the

n a two-striped Spelerpes. A Spelerpes is nigh kin to a Frog-a ki

into the Common Towhee. The unknown wonderful voice in the spring morning, sending out its "cluck, cluck, cluck, clucker," in the distant woods, the large gray Woodpecker that bored in some high stub and flew in a blaze of gold, and the wonderful spotted bird with red head and yellow wings and tail in the taxidermist's window, were all 42 resolved into

nessa antiopa, and that this one must have hibernated to be seen so early in the spring, and yet more,

of their wonderful but exact migrations without regard to anything but food; their northward migration to gather the winged nuts of the Slippery Elm

rn up for them. As they walked over a piney hill, two large

43 them. There's a pair lives nigh aboots here. Th

rries and all-and chewed it as he went. While they walked, a faint, far drum-thump fell on

seen; that's the Cock Partr

rown triller, the Veery Thrush. The Trilliums, white and red, the Dogtooth Violet, the Spring-beauty, the Trailing Arbut

ad been; and now it was a priceless privilege to save the boy some of what he had suffered. His gratitude to Yan grew fervid, and Yan-he took in every word; n

h in Yan's mind-not his memory, that was a thing o

the rugged stranger with his kind ways, not the ne

ime, find out the smell that conjures up their happiest hours, and keep it by them in the medicine bag. It is very real and dear to the

ho profess to enlighten the Red-man's darkness. They, in their ignoran

. But ever afterward that wonderful day was called back to him, conjured up

yet he did a characteristic foolish thing, that put him

5 good-by, laddie; Ah hope Ah'll see you again." He held out his hand. Yan shook it warmly; but he was dazed with thinking and with reaction;

er. He haunted all those woods in hopes of c

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