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Young Hunters of the Lake; or, Out with Rod and Gun


Word Count: 1302    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

arl will attempt to ge

g before the sta

before," answered Snap. "Of course, they may be afraid to try

put in Whopper. "I wouldn't want to have anyth

re the things were stored. Giant was not with them--he hav

sigh of relief. Having overhauled the things carefully, they prepared to lock

hat's doing?"

oe. "Say, are you fel



id of the hobgo


e and the hobgoblins took

ey take?" as

ng, and took his basket of fish, too. Say, he was scared when

the ghost?

rd it moan and groan, and heard it say

keep our eyes peeled for that ghost, and if it shows itself there will be

idn't have nuthin' to do

anybody around

here, but they went a

y?" asked the

and the other was that ch

l Du

e chap who was going to give

red Snap. "Wha

ne of 'em tried the back door, but just then the other fellow saw me a

bet a sour apple against a goosebe

did," ans

matter over for several minutes. "I think somebody ought to stay here

oathouse--a fellow might slee

to do,--if my folks will let m

aid Snap. "Maybe I'd

come back you couldn

if I had

't want to shoo

could sca

it so as to give them a warm reception--if the

ll their folks and to get a few things. As the boys were used to outings the youths' parents thought l

re left alone," said th

our. This was stirred up into a thick flour paste, and to give it the "proper flavor," as Sna

what was going on at the boathouse, and soon Whopper followed him. The

at lumber. Up into the loft went the two boys and opened the tiny window at either end--thus letting in some needed fre

esting," suggested Snap

in slumber, and only the occasional bark of a dog or yowl of a

when, looking from one of the little windows, he saw two figures approaching the boathouse. The two b

roused Shep, who was s

demanded the

g. Hush, or the

ing the town. The two figures outside were now close

" came the quest

t see a

nt to get ca

et chicken-h

ember what happene

speak my na

n don't sp



t, I say.

id you knew of a way. I am certain t

and I'll show you

me to follow you to?"

the boa


e where we can crawl

going to do after you a


re a tr

boards are loose in the flooring

, go ahead, an

r, but he supported himself on a cross rail nailed from one section of the spiling to another. Carl Dudder followed h

arl, in alarm, for he

d, that's all,"

deep un

four or

those loo

nd and we'll soon have them up and b

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