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A History of Bibliographies of Bibliographies

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 10769    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


eneral acceptance. He does not include, for example, biobibliographical accounts of religious orders and nations. He was familiar with them but probably looked upon them as historical rather than bibliographical compilations. Like most later bibliographers, he does not include publishers' catalogues and catalogues of books owned by institutions and individuals. In 1598 Israel Spach employed what is virtually the modern definition of a

it in 1664. His loyalty to Catholicism and his exclusively French associations hindered its wide acceptance and use. Few of his contemporaries understood what he had done, and few learned how to use his book. Even Antoine Teissier, who revised and enlarged it, showed an imperfect understanding of its nature. The age was not ready for a bibliography of bibli

d to one produced only withered shoots and ended in 1758 with Durey de Noinville's wretched compilation. During the eighteenth century the bibliography of bibliographies is, at best, only a chap

rrently useful reference works and it has retained that function. Writing in the early years of the seventeenth century, Paul Bolduan and Francis Sweerts took a step away from comprehensiveness. They included no classical Greek and Latin authorities and very few medieval ones. This exclusion of classical writers runs parallel to the similar treatment of classical writers of

, the needs of a reference librarian. Julius Petzholdt admits many old bibliographies to his Bibliotheca bibliographica of 1866, but gives them room only for historical reasons or in the absence of a modern work. Joseph Sabin goes somewhat farther by restricting himself to British and American bibliographies with only a side glance at those in other than European languages. Léon Vallée, Henri Stein, W. P. Courtney, and those who come after show a more and more definitely acknowledged restriction to modern works and especially those within the easy reach o

be a valuable aid to him in an unfamiliar field. A student of Renaissance English literature will not consult a bibliography of bibliographies to learn of such works as the Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature or A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave, A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England ... 1475-1640. He already knows them. He may be very glad to find the titles of bibliographies of theology, history, or science that meet his needs. He should consult, also,

l development of a discipline or subject one can neglect the four oldest bibliographies of bibliographies. Gesner's Pandectae, Spach's Nomenclator, and Bolduan's Bibliotheca philosophica are general subject bibliographies of a sort that I hope to discuss at another time. These books and Sweert's Athenae Belgicae contain little or nothing as far as bibliographies are concerned that cannot be more easily found in other books. With the sole exception of Labb


ey); DLC (Library of Congress); ICN (The Newberry Library, Chicago); MH (Harvard University Library); NN (New York Public Library). Books f

don, 1947-1949. Pp. xxviii, cols. 1450; [i], cols. 1451-3196; [i], cols. 3197-4111. 3d ed.; Geneva, 1955-. The author

," Nordisk tidskrift f?r bokv?sen, XXVII (1940), 58-65; Marc Jaryc, Pa

Bibliotheca bibliothec

bliographia universalis, Contribution No. 31. Brussel

The first five volumes were issued with a new titlepage as Biblioth

y of Bibliographies. 1937-1942. New York, 194

rk, 1948. Pp. [xx], 831.

. The first annual volume was that for 1937 and was issued in 1938. The annual volumes are

sen, The Library Quarte

latt für Bibliothekswesen," XXIX and subsequent issues (not continuou

the Internationale Bibliographie des Buch- und Bibliothekswesen

es. Internationale Bibliographie der Biblio

rman, The Library, 4th S

na, 1616. Pp. [xxiv], 647, [viii]. ICN; Libra

nd National. A Guide to their contents, arra

on of the chief bibliographical books and articles printed in other

yon. Catalogue des livres qu'elle renferme dan

ouvrages sur l'origine et l'histoire de l'imprimerie, les bibliothèques, et l

ed from Petzh

utorum, operumque, quae sub titulo Bibliothecae, catalogi, ind


r les bibliothèques. Paris, 1758. Pp. 156

s of Bibliography. Edinburg

libri XXI. Zurich, 1548. Fols, [vi], 375. CU (photostat);

. See Index b

See Internation

See Bibliographie des Bib

t. Geneva, 1925. Pp. xvi, 233. 2d ed. by Marcel Godet and Joris Vorstius. Berlin, 1931. Pp. xxiii, 420. 3d ed., with the subtitle Di

first two editions see

besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bibliographie. Bearbeitet von Rud

esterman, I, col. 3

er Bibliographie, I-XI. Ed. Jor

terman, I, cols. 327-

phical Society of America, II (1910), 21-24, 53-56; III (1911), 23-24, 50-53; IV (1912),

ed, and enlarged edi

th occasional notes and an index. "Bibliographical Society of Chi

agitur. Accedit appendix de scriptis rei bibliothecariae adfectis. II. quo index scriptorum exhi

been unable to find it. Petzholdt's comment (p. 443) shows that he misunderstands the nature of this book. It is necessarily a very slight work because it is a supplement to Johannes Andreas Schmid (Schmidt) and J. J. Mader, De bibliothecis atq

Rouen, 1672. Pp. [32], 398. ICN. Rouen, 1678. Pp. 32, 398, 27. MH; Library of

ly that the 1678 edition consists of the sheets of the 1672 editi

Paris, 1653. CU (positive microfi

oronis libraria. Hoc est, Bibliotheca bibliothecarum & Catalogus catalogorum, nomenclatorum, indicum, elenchorum &c. qui

ith Labbé, Nova bibliotheca MSS. librorum (P

s, 1662, 1664. CU, ICN. Microfilms

iographies on which Labbé was working and description o

zum Jahrbuch) des Deutschen Vereins für Buchw

see Besterman, I

iographies générales. Geneva, 1950. Pp. xvi, 364. II: Bibliogr

ralblatt für Bibliothekswesen,

liotheca alphabetica

tifs à la paléographie; à la diplomatique; à l'histoire de l'imprimerie et de la libraire; à la bibliographie; aux biobibliographies et à l'histoi

d nützlich zu gebrauchen, an die Hand gegeben wird. Welchen angefügt die vornehmsten Bibliothequen in Europa und was Reisende vornehmlich bey deren Besichtigung zu beobachten haben. Hamburg, 1702. DLC

hies spéciales publiées jusqu'à ce jour, et d'un grand nombre d'autres ouvrages de bibliographie, re

der das Gesammtgebeit der Bibliographie betreffenden Litteratur des In

hique, ou Nouveau manuel du libraire et

Essai sur la bibliog

eing an alphabetical catalogue of the most important works descriptive of the literature of Great Bri

lement to the American Bibli

. Bibliographia critica. Madrid, 1740-1742

nning with the word b

s partes quovis tempore idiomateve usque ad annum 1597 descripserunt, illustrarunt, & exornarunt, methodo artificiosa secund

, in praecipuis Europae bibliothecis extantium designatio; cum preliminari dissertatione, specimine novae bibliot

n J. A. Schmidt and J. J. Mader, De bibliothecis nova accessio collectioni Maderianae (

ibliotheca bibliographica nova). Manuels de bibli

V (1899), 386-389; F. J. Teggert, Library Journal, XXIV (1899), 73-75;

Sweerts). Athenae Belgicae. A

a, effigies vitasq. virorum litteraria illu

um elogia, vitas aut orationes funebres, scriptis consignarunt auctuarium ... sive ejusdem Catalogi pa

atorum elogia, vitas, aut orationes funebres, scriptis consignarunt. Geneva, 1686. P

ch der bibliographischen Nachschlagewer

vi secundum seriem facultatum ac disciplinarum, intermixtis ultro citroque virorum judiciis, exhibentur, atque ad illustrandu

générales et particulières, par ordre alphabétique d'auteurs.... Séconde partie. Répertoire de

ent. Paris, 188

ournal, VIII (1883), 104-105, XII (1887), 305; Henri Stein, Bulletin critique, V (1883), 265-269, IX (188

tionale Bibliographie des Buch- und Bibliothekswese

iographies of

35, 114, 115-122, 1

nelius a, 44


phic Inde

Bibliotheks- und B

ter Funke, and Fran

, 16-18, 19,

, R. L.,

P., 111-113,

, A. F.,

docus a, 21

lle, J. D., 57-

John, 48,

er. See Boh

16, 19, 21, 80, 121, 1

. See Index b

lhelm, 95, 11

nz. See Bo

T. H.,

ationale Bibliographie des

See Bibliographie des B


aphie des Buch- und Bib

esbericht der Biblio

e, St

, 76-77, 95-96, 114

, J. C.

9, 47-50, 51, 80, 95, 98, 12

later: zum Jahrbuch) des deutschen Verei

L.-N., 12

harles, 4

, 72-76, 78,

bliothec, Die, 5

, 72, 95, 98, 108, 109,

-91, 95, 100, 109, 110, 1

s, Vinc

tienne, 7

h, 91-95, 97

chael a, 56-

13-16, 19, 13


95, 100-103,

is, 18-19, 131

40-44, 80, 95, 98, 1

and Rolf Weitze

. G., 53

on, 95-100

is, 107, 108,

lf. See Tot

. W. See Bibl


uetonius. For a discussion of Latin writers of biobibliography see Wilhelm Ludwi

n about Hermippus and the other writers mentioned in this passage see Joannes Jonsius, De scriptoribus historiae philosophiae (Frankfurt a.M., 1659) and such a modern authority as Wilhelm von Christ, Geschichte der g

ertius in his biobibliography of philosophers, w

illustribus in dialogue that

riters of tragedy. This may be the book intended here. Plutar

ned five hundred or more imagines or characterizations, probably with illu

thors, Santra wrote a bio

. A. Fabricius, Bibliotheca ecclesiastica, Hamburg, 1718, p. 13. I ha

an account of the ancestors of the men who fought at Troy, a ca

ographical in nature. See a very interesting account in Jonsius, pp. 173-175, which begins

of a general b

r of a book on

ooks on famous men and fo

tle and the author of a c

in Pontus and its famous men. This is an e

ce to "St. Jerome, p. 62." Something has gone wrong with Labbé's introductory words: "Ex antiquis Damastae Sigiaeo facile qu

the bibliographies of bibliographies ci

An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent (London, 1870); Karl Pearson's The Grammar of Science (London, 1892); and Kenn

arijs," fo

ives this information and the information in the four following note

also, it is said, a translation by Hieronymus Parisetus (1520-1600). A com

us, De furtis poetarum. [This is a reference to Heraclitus (sic) Ponticus, A

anslation of Book VII, c. 6, thi

Latin and the Greek Onomasticon have been printed. The

reference to

m illorum qui certum quodpiam argumentum tractaverunt, capita Pandectis nostris inseruerim, haec

etis excerptis (Paris: Joannes Gormont, 1519), which I cite from G. W. Panzer, Annales, VIII (

erence, but intends the read

20), Lectionum antiquarum libri triginta

rence. The pertinent passage is Lib

r, Bibliotheca (ed. Josias Simler; Zurich, 1583), s.v. "Bassiani Landi," whe

velopment of pagination as an answer to the needs of scholars in P. S.

-29b, where he adds a reference to his discussion of libraries in classical antiquity in the pref

2b-23a (misn

rtenlexikon, I (Leipzig, 1750), cols. 2125-2126, cites "argutissima quaeque apophthegmata ex Erasmi operae selecta," without date or place of publication. For a reference t

pene doctorum was published in several editions with varyi

eteris et Novi Testamenti libri XXII (St

teral translation of the first two words would be "Concerning Bibliographies," or "On Bibliographies," but this does not seem to me to be current English

890 and later eds.); Svend Dahl (ed.), Haandbog i Bibliotekskundskab (Copenhagen, 1912 and

7 and Lynn Thorndike, A History of Magic and Experimental Science, II (New York, 1923), 692-717. The Speculu

helm Fuchs, "Die Anf?nge der juristischen Bibliographie im 16. Jahrhundert

e literary form for exposition and controversy), epistolographers, bili

of 1494 and 1531 and overlooks th

He does not know the first or

e above

he Hague, 1719-1741), III, 568; H. Marcel, "Hubert Goltzius, éditeur et imprimeur," Annales de la Société d'émulation pour l'étude de l'histoire de la Flandre (Bruges), LXVIII (1925), 21-34. Spach also cites "Joan. Oporini, Exuviae," a publisher's catalogue that, like the Goltzi

eva] in 1574 and translated by James Westfall Thompson, The Frankfort B

nsa), Della libraria Vat

e to it see J. M. Francke, Catalogus Bibliothecae Bunavianae, I (Leipzig, 1750), i, 840. David Hoeschel compile

tenloher, Bibliographie zur deutschen Geschichte im Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung, 1517-158

es of Scotland, with an account of the Registrum Librorum Angliae and of the Catalogus scriptorum of J

librorum suorum" in Claudius Ptolemy, Opera (Basel, 1541.

., 1754), p. 394, where libraries in Germany are discussed, I read "Stolpensis: Chr. August. Freybergii Programma de Bibliotheca Stolpensi, Dresdae 1723. Eiusdem Programmata

, Bibliotheca historiae litterariae s

ca philosophic

[Oxford] and

ee pp.

or these details. The reference to Groschufius is "Praefat. de Libris rarior. p. 16." This is the Nova lib

otheca Belgica (editio renov

er, Die falschen und fingirten Druckorte (Leipzig, 1858), p. v and "Jost Kalc

title see the "Bi

bliothecarum veteris et novique seculi. Louis Jacob undertook and completed a b

ck's books. He said in 1648 of his search for the Mundus and Synopsis: "Illa etenim licet ardentissima concupitata, videre adhuc non meruit" (Bibliotheca Mariana, p. 813). If Marraccius, whose brother listed one hundred and fifteen works from his pen, published and unpublished, all dealing with the Virgin, could not find Dudinck's books soon after their supposed appearance, we cannot h

gnation confuses A. G. S. Josephson; see his Bibliographies of Bibliographies, p. 7. For the details of these publications see Augustin and Aloys de Backer

he pagination of the editions varies and a page reference would be useful for only one edition. I have usually made no e

rences to Ferg and the catalogue have been made at second-hand. I have seen half a dozen different dates of publication. I believe it was never published. At any rate, the manuscript ca

Wion in the blank space after "Benedictina" and Christophorus Ferg in the blank space after "Ingols

as De Minis among the bibliographers of the Camaldolese order, and Thomas Reinesius, t

mple, the article

addressed to Caspar Hoffmann and C. A. Rupert (Leipzig, 1660) were then in print. Henri Stegemeier has kindly verified the reference, which will be found

see Bibliotheca bibliothecarum, ed

). It concerns Freinsheim's edition of Quintus Curtius Rufus. The e

es Bostonus; Buriensis; Martin

ct, this book is so full of errors [I use the modern bibliographer's cliché] that one scarcely finds three or four articles correct and complete. (Verum hic liber mendosissimus est, ut vix tria quatuorve nomina sincera atque integra reperias)." This Parnassus, which is the only one that Labbé knew or, at least, chose to cite, is different from Tomasini's Parnassus Euganeus sive museum clarissimorum virorum et antiquorum

that Vogler's book is not a bibliography of bibliographies, although Theodore Besterman includes it in A World Bibliography of Bibliographies, 2d ed., I, 322. There are copies of the 1670 ed

s often regarded as closely akin to bibliographies. The title is: Bibliotheca, seu cynosura peregrinantium, hoc est, Viatorium ... in duas partes digestum: quarum prior ... complectitur I. Centuriam cum decuria problematum apodemicorum. II. Multiplicia peregrinationis praecepta. III. Met

bat Philippus Labbaeus. Quoted from Morhof, Polyhistor, I, c. 18 (ed. Lüb

IIA, p. 24. This book was first published in 1685-1686. F

ius's plan in the passa

his additions: "Quam multa in ea [Bibliotheca bibliothecarum] Bibliothecarum pariter ac Author

see Augustin and Aloys De Backer and Carlos Sommervogel, Bibliothèque de la

he Bibliographia, an unauthorized edition of J. H. Boecler's orientation lectures at Strassburg, was first printed in 1677 and reprinted in 1696. It deserved neither publication nor reprinting. In 1715 J. G. Krause added new materials from Boecler's lecture not

f bibliographies in the Bibliotheca bibliothecarum at

phus Hospinianus (Catalogus, p. 285) a

he name is Eysengreinus. He omits Labbé's incomplete referenc

in the list of Cistercian bibliographers (p. 296), Christophorus Hemdrich for C. Hendreich (p. 45), Ioannes Seldemel for Ioannes Seldenus

ber at 3000, but this must include the bi

926), No. 13582. Teissier calls him Hugo Hollandus for some reason. Since the

Angliae. E codice MS. in Bibliotheca Bodleiana descripsit

ed either the Catalogus or the Auctuarium as an illustration and the work that

istian Serpitius. H. B. Wheatley overlooked it in

of Systematic Bibliography (2d ed.; [Oxford] and London, [1936]) and A Wor

(Amsterdam, 1680), p. [vii]. The subtitle translated above reads in the original: Enarratio ac plenior Enumeratio, omnium Librorum, Operumque quae s

2, eds. 1672 and 1678, pp.

curs to me is in John Ferguson

Bibliotheca Augustana Labbé meant the library at Augsburg. At the time when he was writing, several catalogues of manuscrip

ons, 1605. Copy in the Bibliothèque nationale). For accounts of this library see Edward Edwards, Memoirs of Libraries (London, 1859), I, 281-287, 2d ed. (Newpo

ue of the university library at

menta literaria (Milan, 1613), which contains an autobibliography. I cite this book, which I have not seen, from the Biblioth

al early catalogues o

e De Thou family; see J. Quesnel (comp.), B

oyal Librar

perial Libra

graecorum codicum manuscriptorum, qui adservantur in inclyta sere

a cum neotericis, in seriem digesti sunt (Antwerp, 1613) or Cornelius Curtius, Virorum illustrium ex ordine eremitarum D. Augustini elogia (Antwerp, 1636). I have not seen th

a bibliotheca, sive Illustrium aliquot Carmelitanae religi

Borel, ca. 1620-1689), Bibli

Jean) Bayl, Pierre Blanchot, Francois Combefis, and G. B. Pontanus, all of whom wrote before the publi

legal bibliographies by such men as Lauren

of this classified universal bibliography with an index of authors' names in the Newberry Library and copies of both e

de ratione studiorum in historia, in disciplinis, in salute omnium procuranda (Rome, 159

tion of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century books that are cited by title only is often very

nder (Nuremberg, 1689). See also P. I. M. [Paul Jacob Marperger], Die neu-er?ffnete Kauffmanns-B?rse (Hamburg, 1704) and I. M. P. a W., Die neu-er?ffnete Berg-Werck (Hamburg, 1704). The latest example that I have found is the an

ted to Dr. Arnold Weinberger and Professor Heinrich Schneider for these references. The date 1650 is probably wrong. The foregoing authorities give the date 1660. The Catalogi Bibliothecae Thottianae, VI (Copenhagen, 1798), 386, No. 972, cites a copy with the date 1659. The Sciagraphia is strangely lacking in the first book to which one turns: Hermann Conring, D

84 (he did not see the book). The author's name is Fui

]). There are folio and quarto editions. For references to it see J. F. Jugler (ed.), B. G. Struve, Bi

tatem, libros, &c. continet; secunda per classes rerum praecipuas ac titulos artium digesta cujuvis materiae Medicae, &c. Dilingiae apud Gaspardum Sutorem in folio." I do not know where he found this information. Dr. Arnold Weinberger tells me that Bartholom?u

XIII (1912), 365-375. In "Quellen zur Feststellung und Geschichte mittelalterlicher Bibliotheken, Handschriften und Schriftsteller," Historisches Jahrbuch, XL (1920),

shion of Morhof's "Polyhistor." He planned the Fasti rei litterariae as a continuation of Morhof and published it in 1702 under the title of Relationes rei publicae litterariae, but this was only a sample of what he had in his mind

rallel cited by Léon Vallée (p. 268, No. 3145: Joh. Heumann) and earlier bibliographers of dictionaries as cited by Teissier. The

Bibliotheca theologica selecta (Jena, 1757-1765) is sometimes called a list of b

le titre de Bibliothèque; que des Catalogues imprimés d

93-96, and 101-1

ee pp.

ee pp.

item is credited to "id." which refers back to Valerius Andreas, but the book meant is by J. F. Foppens, whose name does not appear at all. A line or more has dropped out at the bottom of p. 83. The dates of publicatio

iversal bibliographies in the Journal de Verdun, Febr

ies see Theodore Besterman, The Beginnings of Systematic Bibl

en- und Profan-Scribenten (Wittenberg, 1714), "Einleitung," pp. 2-144 and G. C. Hamberger, Zuverl?ssige Nachrichten von den vornehmsten Schriftstellern vom Anfange der Welt bis 1500 (4 v.; Lemgo, 1756-1764), I, 1-54, "Erste vorl?ufige Abhandlung. Von der Kentnis der Schriftsteller." These very interesting and instructive compilations are selective guides to the best bibliographies and are intended to aid students. They are limited almost exclusively to bibliographies of classical Greek and Latin literature, church history, and the rela

am, 1743), I, 340, No. 2985. There is a cop

H. B. Van Hoesen's review of the Bibliographic

-656. The reviewer points out inaccuracies of various kinds, complains bitterly abou

Pp. 23

Pp. 24

Pp. 27

Pp. 47

Pp. 45

Pp. 26

Pp. 40

] P.

, a weekly catalogue of the booktrade (p. 103), various catalogues of libraries owned by i

liographies, contains 1861 titles. There are 586

hed in only twelve copies, see Petzholdt, p. 113. See

. 483; II, 131, No.

III. Antv. 1624, in.-4.," but omits De Brugensibus eruditionis fama claris libri duo (

14-17, & 4,

, 140-167, N

ies," The Bulletin of the Bibliographica

ment on these bibli

3 v.; Leipzig, 1750-1756), came, with the Bünau library, to the Dresden library. In the first quarter of


lbiographie, 1850-1935 (Leipzig, 1936) and a second edition (Leipzig, 1944-1952) that has been expanded backwards and forwards to cover the y

matibus et apophthegmatibus clarorum philosophorum (Amsterdam, 1692). It is the first bibliography, as far as I know, to give systematically the locations of the books cited. The first example of a reference to the place where a book may be found

ple, a list of men

allgemeinen internationalen Bibliographienverzeichnisses,

ment for the usefulness of a classified arrangement. The Guide is, it must be recognized, a very special sort of reference work. It has been intended from the beginning to serve reference librarians and has been im

Germaniae (Basel, 1656-1566); Teutscher Nation Heldenbuch (B

.; Berlin, 193

MH); Oswald Weigel (comp.), Bibliothek J. K. F. Knaake. Katalog der Sammlung von Reformationsschriften des Begründ

von Büchern vorzüglich aus der Freih. v. Meuse-bach'schen Bibliothek (2 v.; Berlin, 1855, 1856. CU; MH); Karl Faber und Emil Hirsch, Sammlung Vik

don, 1834-1837. The thirteenth part was published in Brussels. ICN [pts. 1-12]); the Robert Hoe

(New York: American Art Association, 1922. ICN; MH). There are several othe

es in Seventeenth-Century Imagery, 2=Studie

ches Jahrbuch,

opo Morelli (1745-1819) as the author. Gustave Brunet, who has seen the Catalogo, says: "Ce petit volume de 207 pages offre l'inventaire raisonnée d'une collection fort importante de rarétés dramatiques appartenant au bailli Farsetti. De notes nombreuses et parfois d'une certain étendue lui donnent du prix" (Dictionnaire de bibliographie catholique [Paris, 186

Bibliographies (Chic

ür Bibliothekswesen,

natione (2 v.; Guastella, 1782-1783: MH). Those who cite this as a bi

upplementa decem, which is the title of the appendix to Labbé's book. S

Caxton (No. 844). Checklists of batrachia (No. 1687 bis) and other zoological genera (several entries after No. 1712) are

red under the author's or the compiler's names. Francesco Agostino della Chiesa di Saluzzo (No. 2526) should not be under "F." Growaeus Sudovolgiensi

No. 2652 (Aulus Gellius), Nos. 5897 and 5898 (Seneca). Bibliographies found in biographies (No. 40

602), "Amérique" (pp. 603-604),

in the Bibli

iographies publiées jusqu'à la fin de

See such recent compilations as Norma Olin Ireland, An Index to Indexes. A subject bibliography of published indexes. Useful Reference Series,

list of similar bibliograph

ism of Petzholdt's list of bibliographie

Centralblatt für Bibliothek

ndtvig, p

f Printing, a rather poor piece of work (p. 438), but it has no

eca were not included in Harles's edition and that the first edition of the Bibliotheca latina was published in

aria Mazzuchelli ed alla collezione de' suoi manoscritti ora posseduta della biblioteca vaticana," Giorn

bnisse und Fortschritte der Bibliographie in Deutschland seit dem ersten Weltkrieg, Zentralblatt für Biblioth

nd Wilhelm Müldener is not included in it. See several references to the Enslin and Engelmann firms in the K

nt might also be mentioned as a

lists of books printed on

o example of suc

rring to lists o

of religious orders but some of the e

f the Bible, the Imitatio Christi, Ariosto's Or

es dictionaries

bscene books here, but might perhaps

Thomas does not appear in

he list of bibliographical jour

and rarities, and Americana does not intend to be a general bibliography of bibliographies. Webber's comments are occasionally instructive or entertaining, but his references are distressingly careless. "Pretsholdt's" (p. 19) fo

rnationelle Angelegenheit," Archiv für Bibliograp

f?r bok- und bibliotheks

ür Bibliothekswesen,

in "Biographical Dictionaries" in his Selecte

f?r bok- och bibliotek

donyms (col. 130). For the identificatio

Paas cited in Taylor and Mosher, p. 84, n. 14. This contains

the Preface to the Second Edition (I, p.

hy (pp. 3-4) the authors should have mentioned John Ferguson (see above, pp. 110-111) and David Murray, "Bibliography: its scope and me

oinville might h

graphical journals, general bibliographies, special bibliographies (which should

ca, XVII (1923), 73-152. Olga Pinto, Repertori bibliografici nazionali is a reprint from a journal and has been replaced by Le bibliografie nazionali (Milan, 1935), which is now in turn replaced by a secon

ibraries (p. 3), a Russian bibliography of library catalogues (p. 3)

of the bibliographies of incunabula (pp. 85-103) is an excellent introduction to a difficult subject, but gives no idea of the historical development of these works and cites the earliest bibliographies (p. 92, n. 1) in such a way that only an expert can interpret the references. A good American parallel to Schneider's book is H. B. van Hoesen and F. K. Walter, Bibliography, practical, enumerative, historical: an introductory manual (

rs refer to the

" (No. 86) in the Neuer Anzeiger should have been listed under 1856, wh

ription of F. Perennès, Dictionnaire de bibl

und Praxis eines allgemeinen internationalen Bibliographienverzei


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