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A Little Traitor to the South / A War Time Comedy with a Tragic Interlude


Word Count: 1715    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

t of range of Fort Sumter, and inside the shoals at the harbor mouth, was stopped about a mile from the outer entrance of the Main Ship Chan

est, a breathing space, before the last dash at their prey, to the

d bodies with the stimulating water of the bay. The artillery officer took advantage of the opportunity to make a careful re?xamination of the torpedo, and Lacy was greatly relieved when he reported that he had everything in good w

that when you volunteered. If we do get out alive, our country will reward us. If we do not, she will not forget us. Shake hands, now. Good-by, and God bless you. Put every

only a frolic before them. "We'll do our best. Good-by, and Go

ready with the t


hatch covers and start the cranks. Easy

icer. The heavy planks were drawn over the open hatch, locked, and bolted. Silently the men manned the cranks. The little engine of destruction gathered way. It was

through the waters, Lacy caught a sudden glimpse at last of the spars of a heavy ship at anchor before him. The night had cleared somewhat, and a

an-of-war. A faint film of smoke falling lazily from her funnel in the quiet air, with her riding and side-li

ght vanished so soon as it had been formulated. His heart leaped in his breast like the hound when he

Lacy to the artillery captain, in a


erged that she scarcely rippled the surface of the sea. There was no white line of foam to betray her movement through the black water. It was almost impossible for any one to

either. When the David was perhaps two hundred feet away, she was seen.

fraught with alarm that it came in a muffled note to the men in the depths of the torpedo boat. A

aid Lacy. "Ahead!" he

vil was too near to be balked of the prey. The men at the cranks of the David, working with superhuman energy, fairly hurled the torpedo boat upon the doomed ship. Lacy had time for a single upward glance-his last look at anythin

and exploded, tearing a great hole in the side, extending far below the water-line. In the blaze of l

ing the hatchways and were drowned where they slept. Some were killed by the explosion. The officers, however, quickly restored order, a

do exploded. The water poured into her vitals, and soon the crash of explodi

the sea on every hand, until the decks were awash. They were looking and hoping for a chance at t

sels burning answering signals showed that they were alert to render assistance. Boats, ships' cutters, da

awn in the excitement, they were met by a deadly fire from the rifled guns, which rendered it impossible for them to proceed. They turned tail and fled. Two of them succeeded in returning to the harbor. One of them never came

erwise. By a singular freak of fortune the blow had not fallen upon the vessel for which it had been intended. After dark the f

d for tidings of her, but it was not until the war was over and the Housatonic was raised that the mystery was solved. They found the torpedo boat with her nose pointed toward the hole she had torn in the side of the ship, about a hundred feet away from

with them, the evil is long remembered. It was not so in his case, at any rate, for men forgot everythi

to be pitied for that he di

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