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A Mysterious Disappearance


Word Count: 2866    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

deserved to hav

on, was entitled to some degree of oddity or mystery in her behavior. But for a lady's

ekeeper said that the girl was always a forward minx, and the footman winke

definitely when she left the house. Her fellow-servants described the dress she probably wore, as all her other belongings were in her bedroom; bu

quickly joined Lady Dyke in

thing. Indeed, he rejoice

reality. We now have two tracks to follow. They are both hidden, it

d to bar progress on every side. He received a report from the man, a pensioned police-officer, who had

arrister fasten

of irregular habits. He frequents race meetings and sporting clubs, is reported to belong to a Piccadilly club where high play is the rule, and has no definite occupation. He occasionally visits a lady who lives at No. 61, same mansions, ground floor, and sixth door. They have been

dresses well, and goes out a good deal to theatres, but otherwise leads a rather lonely life. Her most frequent visitor is, or was, a gentleman who looked like an officer in the Guards, and, much

the elucidation of Lady Dyke's visit to the mansions on that fateful November evening, but the absolute colorl

ecided upon a course of action. He would see Mrs. Gwendo

o array himself in the most fashionable clothes he possessed, paying

e nearest florist's for a boutonniere, he com

thought he would never look at a woman; but, bless you, Jim, we

it was almost with a start that he found himself purchasing a ticket to Sloane Square at the Underground Railway

leigh Mansions. As he listened to the slight jar of the indic

as true, but he hoped that circumstances might pre

stood before him, the simple wonder in her

llmer at ho

, if you give

whether or not

"Well, sir," she said, "my mistress is in, but I do not k

will not detain her, my business is very important." This with

t to decide the important question as to whethe

ile, and s

e entrance hall usually reveals much of the characteristics of the inmates. Here was every

other at the end of the passage. Her smart but simple dress, and the quick scrutiny she gave him, as though discovering his pre

order to look at him, but the housemaid had carr

e you in a few minutes," she said. "Wil

strong glare of the electric lamps would fall on a

a cheerful fire, impressed Bruce as a place much used by the household. Books and work-baskets were scattered about, and a piano, littered with mus

t elegance. Just the sort of woman one would expect to find in such a well-appointed abode, yet more refined in manner than Bruce, from his knowledge of the world, thought

o see me, I

apologize for the hour

. Perhaps you will be good enough not to det

other side of the room. Her words, no less than her attitude, showed that she desired the

fascinating smile of his, he

you be

que and undoubted good breeding. She hesitated. The

the other side of the h

is interview for the purpos

blurted out impetuously, a trifle complainingly, but

" he cried. "Why sh

rious lady who called here two months ago. They don't know where she called, nor will they state her name;

scal White," grow

hat is not your business, would

than ever unlikely that she could have any knowledge of Lady Dyke or the causes that led to her disappearance. He was tempted to frame some excuse and take his departure. But

dy, but concerning a missing gentl

ot wen

d not tell, but his companion was


ttle pause: "May

s known as Mr. S

e a sli

n that way? Is not t

on to believ

mself for causing her so much unnecessary suffering. In all probability

after a glance at his card, w

, Mr.-Mr. Cl

mple. My chambers are No. 7 Paper Building

interested in Mr.

am at this moment una

, or un

n a quiet pie

e to you. I merely want some detailed information with regard to this

rowly-trying to weigh him up as it were, not because she fear

d at the apparent want of connection between Lady Dyke's ill-fated visit to Raleigh Mansions and this worrying

nsel. Tell me what it is you want to know!" Mrs. Hillmer p

ith Mr. Corbett's pre

him nor heard from him

re precise abo

t she sought. "I purchased a few articles about that time," she explained, "and the account for them is dated November 15. I had not seen my-" She

eared on the eve

e said, with an encouraging laugh, "Out with it, Mrs. Hillmer. You were

ld I trouble myself when you, of course, know all that I can tell you, and p

return, I am free to state that your b

ll get some advice gratis. Can people writ him in th

nces they can do neither.

etimes come very near to


taking advantage of circumstances. I have had some experience of this trait in debt-collectors already. But they must be care

ect me of being a dun. Perish the thou

ou represent those people

t pe

. Dodge

y do yo

e some shares in a South African mine, as a nominal affair, he told me, and now

t represent

g else then? Whom

I may say that my inquiries in n

t th

is a woman

vidently both reli

t it. I never knew Bertie to be much taken up wi

h in no way stood for Sydney. Besides, perhaps the init

e already detained you an unconscionable time. You were going out

ning to be entertaining. I was only going to dine

e. "Are you dining by your

ow. I may br

informal introduction, to ask you to dine with me at the Prince's Re

ougham within twenty minutes, and Bruce hurried off to Victoria Street i

rant and the theatre respectively for a reserved

ped lady, the valet grinned broadly. "I knew it," he said. "The g

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