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A Singer from the Sea

Chapter 9 CHAPTER III.

Word Count: 1049    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


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rations are never put out of breath. He had not yet been a yoke-fellow with sorrow. Hard work, the cruelty of the

f his cottage, and thought over the heads of his sermon. For he was to preach that night in the little chapel of St. Swer, a fishing hamlet four miles to the northward; indeed, John preached v

te-plaided flannel thrown over her head. She came in like the breath of the spring Sabbath. Her face was rosy, her lovely lips slightly apart, her blue eyes dewy and soft and bright and brimming with love. She lifte

it saved many a household worry. They sat down to their breakfast of tea, and fresh fish, and white loaf, and the wide-open door let in the sea wind, and the sea smell, and the soft murmur of the turning tide. John's

tell us 43 that there shall be a new ear

re,' thank God! no freezing, drowning men and no weeping wives. I do think of that

els, whose voices were like the sound of many waters. Heaven will be wonderful! wonderful! if it do make us forget the sea. Aw, my dear Joan, 'twill be some

, awful sea is not to be taken away, nor yet the '

and, men and women; and then there will be no more tears. My dear, when I think of tha

e to dress myself yet, and a new dress to put on, too," and Denas smiled and nodded and touched her father's big hand wit

Chapel; of the singing, and the sermon, and the Sunday-school in the afternoon for the fisher children; of the walk to St. Swer with Denas by his side and the walk back, sin

be calling me before I do have

e and milk, and though none recognised the fact at the time, the old l

ing bleaching. It was the duty of Denas to take the house linen to some level grassy spot on the cliff-breast and water and watch it whiten in the sunshine. Monday she had gone t

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1 Chapter 1 DENAS PENELLES.2 Chapter 2 No.23 Chapter 3 No.34 Chapter 4 No.45 Chapter 5 CHAPTER II.6 Chapter 6 No.67 Chapter 7 No.78 Chapter 8 No.89 Chapter 9 CHAPTER III.10 Chapter 10 No.1011 Chapter 11 No.1112 Chapter 12 No.1213 Chapter 13 No.1314 Chapter 14 CHAPTER IV.15 Chapter 15 No.1516 Chapter 16 No.1617 Chapter 17 CHAPTER V.18 Chapter 18 No.1819 Chapter 19 No.1920 Chapter 20 No.2021 Chapter 21 No.2122 Chapter 22 No.2223 Chapter 23 CHAPTER VI.24 Chapter 24 No.2425 Chapter 25 No.2526 Chapter 26 CHAPTER VII.27 Chapter 27 No.2728 Chapter 28 No.2829 Chapter 29 No.2930 Chapter 30 No.3031 Chapter 31 No.3132 Chapter 32 No.3233 Chapter 33 No.3334 Chapter 34 No.3435 Chapter 35 CHAPTER VIII.36 Chapter 36 No.3637 Chapter 37 No.3738 Chapter 38 No.3839 Chapter 39 CHAPTER IX.40 Chapter 40 No.4041 Chapter 41 No.4142 Chapter 42 No.4243 Chapter 43 No.4344 Chapter 44 CHAPTER X.45 Chapter 45 No.4546 Chapter 46 No.4647 Chapter 47 No.4748 Chapter 48 CHAPTER XI.49 Chapter 49 No.4950 Chapter 50 No.5051 Chapter 51 No.5152 Chapter 52 No.5253 Chapter 53 CHAPTER XII.54 Chapter 54 No.5455 Chapter 55 No.5556 Chapter 56 No.5657 Chapter 57 No.5758 Chapter 58 No.5859 Chapter 59 CHAPTER XIII.60 Chapter 60 No.6061 Chapter 61 No.6162 Chapter 62 No.6263 Chapter 63 CHAPTER XIV.64 Chapter 64 No.6465 Chapter 65 No.6566 Chapter 66 No.6667 Chapter 67 No.6768 Chapter 68 No.6869 Chapter 69 No.6970 Chapter 70 No.7071 Chapter 71 CHAPTER XV.72 Chapter 72 No.7273 Chapter 73 No.7374 Chapter 74 CHAPTER XVI.75 Chapter 75 No.7576 Chapter 76 CHAPTER XVII.77 Chapter 77 No.77