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A Son of the Immortals


Word Count: 5248    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

Prince Michael's vanity could not resist the temptation of making himself known, and when the word went round that the King's

eted by the King and a glittering staff the moment he descended from the train. It was undignified, too, to pass through the streets of the capital in a disheveled hired vehicle, when a royal carriage, surrounded by a cavalry escort, might hav

us customs officer cleared at once, he ushered his wife into a r

ince Michael would have received a greater shock than the welcoming bump of a singularly bad pavement. Luckily the Black Castle lay no great dis

ificent they were. What an eye opener it must have been for Alec when he realized that he had given up Paris-for this!" and he waved a deprecating hand toward the unkempt houses, yellow washed and dingy; f

he said. "Now that we are here, the reasons you urge

phed his prompt advice t


Alec is firmly established, and filling empty heads with all this nonsense as to retrenchment and economical administration, every creditor I had in the world is pestering me. You cannot rea

d that which you call rubbish seems to have caught the ear of all Europe. Even '

is twisted into an argument against the older monarchies. Give an eye to the mean looking building on the right. That is the Chambe

his wife to look at him sharply. "You ar

t I was

r that surprised the pompous little man by her side. He had been answered in

n his lips; for the horse passed under an arch, and not even the stud

gs of Kosnovia. They were tearing it to pieces. The roof was off, one win

what is going on?" demande

in the fact that the muzzle was off-by request. "The castle is t

wn and made a sty for those

thinks more of the people than of palaces, and they say that

mer years. In a passing thought he attributed the alteration to the wearing of undress uniform during the early hours; but the cab driver's words seemed to hint at some fresh

is work begu

hall should be destroyed as quickly as possible. He says it taints th

omething unforeseen had happened; but unable to grasp i

a gesture of bewilderment. "Alexis III. has signalized the first month of his reign b

Alec live? He must inhabit a house of some

t this outrage?" he murmured. "Why was not I consulted? Idiot that I am, and

The valet and a French maid gazed in discreet wonder at their master

s wife vehemently. "We cannot remain here. The least shred of com

Prince. He glanced up at the enthu

perceptible return of the grand air that had served him in good stead for many years. "Take us to h

s not far; but you will not find his Majesty there this mornin

who may

me they play on horseback, hitting a white ball with long sticks. I have seen them. They make the young off

bert Beaumanoir's adventure with the Austrian authorities,-indeed, Europe had almost expected a declara

ith her husband, and she blamed herself for not having telegraphed to her son before leaving Paris. But she had yielded to Michael Delgrado during so many years that it was difficult to abandon the habit now

ly mystified, stout Nesimir met his unexpected guests cordially. He was dis

cried. "But I shall send a courier; he can return by noon. How is it nothin

aris without a word to a soul. Send no courier after him, I beg. A rest of a few hours will be most acceptable to the Princess and myself. Madame is fatigued after a

pounded by Alexis III. This unheralded advent of the King's parents, too, betokened some secret move. He was sure of that, and, being a man to whom political intrigue was the breath of life, he saw that a gossip with Prince

which reck little of politeness when curiosity can be sated, chose a sitting room on the first floor with three bedrooms adjoining. The sitting room was a huge place, big enough to

too striking that she should be subjected to the scrutiny of every lounger in the restaurant beneath. In this primitive c

his counsel. During their first stroll in the open air she said she felt like a Mohammedan woman; yet she soon reali

an excuse for their visit to the Near East. They were much impressed. They gazed at its brillian

pered, "it was painted before he bro

ere we have both Giotto and

ow can I

n Giotto about Saint Peter. Holy blue! if you bring that back to Paris as a veritable likeness of the Chief Apos

the whole scheme. I am beginning to dread th

d. I am told he is be

rely you have not

ve that to you-or

the Princess spoke to me. She would never have

d place. See, where they have put the choir, nearly under the dome. Yes,

told you a

o the people; but the officers who come here to drink and play cards do not like him.' I explained that I wished to know the King's whereabouts, and he said that if I was anxious to see the gracious y

shall we do meanwhile?"

ure. "Delgratz is a picturesque c

rn of our presence and visit us

I were a young lady who had been traveling for a day and two nights, especially if I had slept badly during the second night, I should stroll about the principal streets ti

e kind!" cried Joan, blus

me your slave of the l

ile," she admitted, and this time Felix did not wink at the picture, b

midday heat of Delgratz was not only novel but highly disagreeable. She retired to

They wanted to know everything about her mistress as soon as they were told that she was not Poluski's wife, and the staid Pauline was at her wit's end to parry the questions showered

t into Fürst Michaelstrasse, entered the hotel's public re

little man expected developments when Alec heard of Joan's presence, he certainly did not look for squalls forthwith; yet he had not been s

trasse. It was evident that the attraction, whatsoever it might be, was not supplied by the thoroughfare itself. Men lounged along the pavements or gathered

iot was dusting marble topped tables with an apron

ve earlier than fou

n a low tone, "the crowd is gathering to see the regicides. Their trial e

d gui

they cleared the way for Alexis III. by removing Ferdinand. Some people say the K

many symp

rs talk big; but it is a strange thing that the authorities allow the men of the disbanded Sev

ds one of

all I ever see my beautiful city again? But it is different here, monsieur. Even th

e from the law courts. A squad of cavalry trotted into sight, followed by eight closed carriages. An armed policeman sat near every driver, and another

rogress, and he naturally expected an emotional people to betray their feelings. He listened in vain for a yell of execration. A queer murmur ran through the crowd, that was all, a murmur that was ominous, alm

to empty as soon as the prisoners' vehicles and the escort had clattered past. The foot regiment marched off, and within ten minutes Felix was back in his nook, smoki

red had not his keen eyes noted another curious movement in the street. About half-past three several men strolled past the café, men whom he distinctly reme

ent from Sobieski. "Just peep at some of those fellows in the street a

ur," he muttered, "and I believe there are scores of them. I wish they would p

oul was housed in a frail body, and the l

King Alexis dispenses with a bodygua

he people mobbed him. Now he rides through Delgratz like a courier, so

"Do the King a good turn, John, and you will be

can a poor waiter h

luck. Life is a lottery, and some

took a sharp left turn. In the angle stood a popular restaurant, and the rooms on the first and second stories were full of customers. No one, apparently, was looking out; but small parties of men sat near each open window, and th

t fail to notice that the upper rooms of three cafés exactly similar to that at the corner were untenanted, while there was a disposition on the pa

It reminds me of the afternoon we removed the Governor of Silesia. He was fused by a thunderbolt, from just such a summer sky. Obvi

They were notable because they wore the ordinary costume adopted by riders in the Bois or the Row, and in Delgratz, wh

ed Felix. "Joan will never forgive me if she is still a

the horsemen came near, the loungers in the lower part of the street displayed a singularly unanimous desire to close in and follow them. There were hundreds of townspeople gathered on the pavements, and not a few

ld be quite invisible to them if he stood among the crowd now hovering on the curb; so he pushe

c! O, m

the King's horse, could hardly have startled Alec more than the sight of Felix, standing there, ba

!" he cried

hat Joan is there," said Polus

he ho

e right, across the landing. You have

the orderlies. "Give me a few seconds, Berty," he cried to Beaumanoir, and before the o

nted," said Felix, address

azing at the quaint figure wi

atter of life o

ie?" he demanded, drawing the reins over his charg

ishman's cool demeanor was wholly in accord w

in this bally menagerie if y

ius. It appealed to Beaumanoir. "Gad! it's a treat to hear you

the President and tell him to despatch a strong body of troops on whom he can rely. If he refuses to listen, say that Felix Poluski sent

tel by a side door. He darted up the stairs, breathless and almost spent. He was in

ship; for Alec, not to be denied,

to lose! Barricade t

ive, where i

cré nom! Act first

this second interruption, was compelled to fre

ed. "You promised m

one knew so well as he how dear to his friend was the blush

is other johnny will have it that s

ve a short way with Kings they don't like. The instant they see how they have been tricked they will be after you like a pack of wolves. I have sent a messenger for help. I dared not use one of your orderlies, because that would

Felix fortifi


came, and it looks quite different now. Hundreds of men have gathered, and they are armed with knives and pistols. Something has

the enemy take us in flank without warning. Thank goodness for an oak sideboard and a heavy table! Are you ready, Berty? Heave away, then! We shall occupy a box in the front row when Stampoff arrives with his hussars! By Jove! what a day!

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