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A Tar-Heel Baron

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 3556    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

uthern Ap

ell, was standing at one of the long windows of the

rom generations of slave-holding ancestors; but she had charm and a certain distinction, and she had th

r brother John, who was amusing himself with Sydney'

st match of the year,-Tom Schuyler, handsome, irrepressible, and penniless. Mrs. Wendell promptly had refused her consent to the engagement, and, with equal deci

strange that the prospect from th

lief to the keenness of his martyrdom to kick against the pricks, and kick he did from New York to Flora, during all such parts of the twenty-four hours as were not occupied in attending to the wants of his admirable appetite, or in yielding to the refreshment of such repose as a sl

nswer to her brot

t is an abominable day for your first one. Just look at that!"-she summoned John b

untains beyond were shut off entirely. Again the clouds overhead blew past, and through a leaden light the storms

n it is yet twenty miles away, and make your plans accordingly; but in New York, with the horizon line on the roofs of t

said Katrina. "It's the last of April, and yet the leaves

in the North who lament their cold, and wish they were with us on our 'rose-covered verand

y ever as co

now as late as the twentieth of April, and I've

erful climate. It sounds as if it wer

of a short hot one. Though you may have fires now and then, it's not cool enough to close the windows

hat we are half a mile above the booming waters of the deep, my dear Katrina, counterbalances the nine hundred

back, Sydney," said Katrina

the rain was lessenin

demanded John, who professed much amusement at what he had seen of the semi-feudal manner of life a

ed into the g

, it is; and that looks lik

John. "Who are these estimable youths? I

near the post-office. And the McRaes live at Cotswold; ther

to succor my rivals, for such I feel they are

s heralded the announcement of the two young

y, flashing a greeting at each one in turn. "You are just

aid Patton, promptly, and attached hi

iduity born of a desire to stay in the room as long as possible, "tell Mrs. C

ae," Katrina was saying, as a ray of

black clouds hurried across the upper sky, dragging after them ragged ends of mist, and beneath t

t Wendell saw a glance pass between Sydney and

ll to their feet. She entered, tiny, autocratic

he footstool, if you please. You may go, James. John, the hook for my cane is on the left of the mantel-piece. Katrina, tell Sydney to put a shade less cream in my t

long like a Shetland pony. Gray Eagle

to-day, grandmother," called Sy

es in comical despair and

have courage,

aid. But you mustn't be distressed about her,

rdest colt to break of any we ever had. Patton owns her now, but I feel a personal resp

ord with Sydney's seriousness. "You f

as we were coming out of church Sunday?

e such half-broken cre

close we are to primitive conditions. To-day you break the horse you mean to ride next w

ntry, but you can't be very primitive here

r boundary of the Bronx are from Castle Garden; but in point of convenience, owing to t

the country and given the farm

, stoutly. "They sell more cabbages and apples, but they buy cheap fabrics and r

There was an example of it day before yesterday. A man from McDowell's Creek, about six mi

the day of his life, I suppose." Kat

celebrated his adventures not wisely, but too well, and

objected Sydney to the crestfallen

ing does not give us the shock that it would if we did not live in a community accustomed to the acci

picious promptness, and they sat up very straight, so t


often used

e do, indeed, live close to nature. If a man is angry with his neigh

ive wants of man are satisfied i

nts on something stronger than stone if he

l shook her

his--" She glanced expressively about the room, where old portraits surm

here are men in coves distant from the railroad who are living on land to which their ancestors drove up their cattle from the low country three or four generations ago. T

r lot he must have found. They say that there was a crop of younger sons of good Engli

as as remote a place as any to lose black sheep

tell me that he knew it to be a fact that Bud Yarebrough's father-Bud is a ne'er-do-weel who lives in a

Lady Sydney Melissa Somethin

of a penal colony,

uted," replie

ressley is of its lineage

ony of black sheep whose diet had been wild oats would acco

their life of freedom from restraint for s

not close about you he

nd our friends. Why, there's a tenant on ou

over the creek the other day," said Sydney. "Th

must be at work am

oup of what we call Neighborhood people, for distinction's sake. The Delaunays at the Cliff were originally from New Orleans, and the Hugers were from Charleston, and we came from Virg

the Scotch-Presbyterian settlements in the middle

ng on as there is in other part

asantry, as I suppose Mrs. Carroll call

nt must be uni

fortunate people consider themselves as closely allied to the country as do

us of physical beauty, and we are sadly lacking in moral strength, but the life of freedom and lawlessness developed good traits, too. We don't

ions of the law are afte

know it was you two boys who hid Pink Pressley wh

e?" John aske

ner. He seems to be a reformed pirate

lying, Bob, when the moonshiners are lying to the revenue men every day, and their friends are lying in their behalf; and you can't say they don't steal,

garded like smuggling," said Joh

arding John's interruption, and sitting with expressive straightness. A silence fell upon the group that John and Katrina felt t

rink it fro

r snapped the strai

we haven't described to Katrina," sa

eim," said Bob, absentl

the world did he come

the footballs of

id Bob. "They come here to mend either healt


ing." Bob brought it out with a jer

th improved

It's a fine pl

did this German co

ries," said Patton, ri

drawing-room into the hal

afternoon," he said.

to buckle on his spurs, did not see her flush a

se me,-promise that you'll let me know

t but to amuse her, said,

ble to see into the minds of his neighbors, he would have found matter mo

if he had attended to the last minute detail of the conventions attendant upon that process called "giving satisfac

aused by a lack of fear,-that was within his range. But that this method of wiping out an insul

agination to guess, approximately, the frame of mind into which a woman would be thrown upon hearing of such

at might come to her good old friend, the Doctor. She became an abject coward when

ed the open space before the post-office of all loafers, and she unwittingly had ridden on to

sage had come to the house that the negroes on the farm were cutting eac

n women, it did not occur to her to interfere before the event in any affair that was men's own; but she began to formulate a plan that dep

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