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A Woman who went to Alaska


Word Count: 903    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

he evening, casting a warm and beautiful glow over all the lonely landscape, for it was

the brawny stevedores with blackened han

had proposed a dance. Musical instruments were not numerous, but such as there were, were bro

nd forth, for the ruthless mosquito was distinctly on evidence, and threatene

hen she had patted his head and spoken kindly to him he appeared satisfied, and lay down again with his head between his paws. Then sounds from the dancers below, the shrill

cher would make a variety of entertainment for the lady and her dog on the upper deck; but the short

, a young woman with a profusion of long auburn hair

ill be," said the girl coquettish

ween us now. You know we will soon be at 'Five Fingers,' and you must be good or they may get you," wi

of your two hands either," making her muscles very tense, and sitting rig

t light over all the swift and swirling waters. To the west, the hills faded first from green

h. Now and then might be heard the bark of a wood-chopper's dog stationed outside his master's cabin, and the steady thud of the steamer nev

ng the narrow and tortuous channels called the "Five Fingers" would be reached, and the face of the pilo

teamer's regular breathing there arose on the qu

off his too frequent potations, and only the pilot on the lookout

so it happened that a guilty man who had been standing by the deck rail

n was nowher

day in the wake of the first bo

mamma," cried a little boy, pointing to th

crept carefully up to the whirlpool, a woman's white face in the water, a

lot, the captain's keen eye ca

oulders. "No one else has such hair; but it's no great lo


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