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And Then the Town Took Off

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 3444    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

e for an extra when Don

siness, the

like a loyal su

dmitted. "Guess I won't g

asked. "The splendid triumph of

ady. I've got the inside story-what happ

ou get it?

ot at liberty to divulge my sources. Let'

aid, "what doe

rchy by seeking an ambassador from the United States, the Sentry learned today. Such

townoid, makes it a potentially effective arm of U. S. diplomacy. King Hector will point out to the State Department the benefits of bolstering Su

re. It will also be implied that unless economic aid-which in plain English means food and fuel to keep Superior from

r as I've got

ns Superior might consider hiring itsel

putting it," Clark said. "

Don, aware that it had already been transmitted to the Pentago

e got WCAV working on shor

me. I only

is fronting for the Cava

with you when you said Civek was ineffectual. Who do you t

night. And when he came back this morning he had all the tr

a. Don, why don't you take the little lady out to lunch? You can continue your theorizing o

reached it. He waved to them. "Save your money. His Gr


alace, of

lace?" A

factory. He's

e gum f

d house near the west wing. The mansion that's been closed up since the o

?" Alis ask

, maybe, or Baron de Mouthful. Co

the king's largess spread fast and, on the factory grounds, guards were directing

use. It was whipping in a stiff breeze and Don couldn't m

e front door. She took Doc Bendy and Don by their arms. "Come

military tunic with a chestful of decorations (including the Good Conduct Medal, Serg

aid. "I see you got in

er of Defense," Grande said with a

ng back. "Tell me, Vince, how

tip. The country is on a sound basis now and we intend

l, let's go in and se

through the side door helped themselves to tin trays and silverware, then moved slowly past a row of huge pots from which white-coated men and women

volently to anyone who looked at him. On each side of the king, sitting in lower chairs, were members of what must have been his cou

n dismay. "What is that silly hat he's

ing Arthur," Bendy said. "Let's go p

come to our court. May we introduce two of our associates? Sir Osb

ply to the Royal Astronau

rule must be absolute-until the safety of our kingdom has been assured. Sir Osbert," he said, "we trust

naut said, glowering at Alis. "As Your Majesty has

e looked from Bendy to Don, but they seemed to consider

his hands and a servant jumped. "Dinner for these thr

d an empty table out of earshot of the king, and three footmen looking

fill our stomachs," he said, "and later we can go out behind th

s. The meat loaf was so highly spiced

Worship got all th

t it certainly doesn't look a

nly and her eyes got big. Sh

endy said, speari

eebly. "It's ridiculous, of course, but I wond

on said, but he put

put Negus to sleep. He didn't kill him. Besides, Joe

not eating any mor

s true that Hector could have used his scepter on other trans

ating," Don

o miss a meal. No. Hector may be a fool and a dupe, and power

are you to ask him wh

l ask to see the kitchen-to com

might be mean t

lk to Civek. The king laughed and stood up and he and Bendy cros

way. "You've certainly

iot hat. Sir Osbert! Honestly, Don, if we ever get back to Earth I'm goin

. And when you've exhausted the natio

ck there. No, don't tell me-I don't want to know. Oh, D

, crazy time in my life. Furthermore," he said

here, only Doc Bendy's coming ba


h. If you two can spare the time, th

, for now," Al

aky throne of Hector the First. I think yo

ured he couldn't keep it a secret for long anyhow, so he decide

its he's only a fig

a treaty of sorts. He's absolute monarch as far as the human inhabitants a

uldn't have done

y furnished, as every room in the mansion must have been. There was a rug over inlaid lin

er armchairs drawn up to the table. In another

g, for instance, had dignity, and its round eyes had intelligence. A thick tail at least three feet long

you. Oh, the hell with the royal 'we,' as long I'm among friends. This is Gizl, and what I'm trying to say is that he doesn't speak

the table. They were from sets of games-Scra

said. "Either this one or one like him. We don't know

sat down at the table and began

quence. "The amenities first. Spell out 'Gre

, then Don Cort, and pointed from the squares to Alis and himsel

wledgment to Alis and Don. Then he-Don had already stopped thinking of the c

icated. "Gizl." And

Bendy. "Now

's permission," B

, then put three squares together to spell Man. He pointed to the wor

!" Alis said. "Do

t simple, wom

again to Gizl, then to himself,

have individual names," Bendy said. "L

t, then formed a question. "Mig

you fro


eated the questions and answers aloud for the

u from so

ot y

id you re

your c



no one seen


you frighten

an fear of


semble ear

r the first pl


ere w


d time. I can imagine some stockman in the outback taking umbrage at

ny are th




ponsible for r



le to expla

is supe

st fo

nd l


ves are in

ve no malev

d friendship broug


have you

s later with duly c

. King

nterview with go

." She formed letters into words. "I don't think he's bei

ny sexes


e fema


ere babie

uter and develop

what do you think

ble our meag


ersation with


Gizl, who had nodded politely to each in turn, walked manlike, wit

ing off his crown and putting it on the table.

onstituted authorit

to be in charge till we ge

up in ermine. I also have a sneaking suspicion that you

But I defend the kingship. A show of force was n

ly describes as his meager knowledge. Since you've already admitted that he's the one who provided th

g laughed. "Is that wh

uldn't help wondering where all t

loor, blended exactly with the linoleum tile. "I don't know how it works, but Gizl and his people have their headquarters

y said. "What s



ing at

nt of thought. How about a gallon-no, as long as I'm a

plete with spig

led it out of the elevator and

, I ought to be able to have-oh, say a pint of

n formula, I should t

Paris perfume. In fact, it looked like a lard pail with a quantit

he lifted it by its handle, stuck a fi

a tankard of rum and looked quite at peace with the world. "You'd better get

but that's just a quibble. Could I have-how many ounces in a

ing said. "Don? Anything you'd like

'd approve. Even though I work in a bank, I've never seen a t

e economy if we let the money get out of hand. But we

the bottles, the funnel

bill. But the portrait was that of Hector Civek

for all Debts, Public and Private, and is Redeemable in Lawful Money at the

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