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Bats in the Wall; or, The Mystery of Trinity Church-yard

Bats in the Wall; or, The Mystery of Trinity Church-yard



Word Count: 1643    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

e than surprised that you should have had the audacity t

ou know as well as I do that there was a time when, with you

circumstances alter cases, and I am inclined to think that I could do somewhat better than to bes

salary is quite enough for a young couple to get along

I have recently heard of your career, your drinking, gambling and nightly

ator, who spoke these words, the person to whom they were ad

ne of the nine-story buildings just below Wall, and the ti

Callister, Frank Mansfield was by no means

tioned, the father of this young man had been a wealthy and h

ue side by side, and their children-in each case the only child the friends possessed-had be

ne and the loss of a kind and loving husband, had disappeared from the circle of friends in which she had long figured

1879, which, all will be seen, was

flourished, even as his friend M

self, with occasional slips and frequent lapses into dissipation and folly-always bitterly repented of when

l circles, and yet he had turned his back completely upon the son of his old

ween the youthful pair from developing as time went on, is evident from the conversation in wh

lushing to the eyes at the stock speculator's last remark. "I have been a little wild an


ght his fist down upon

with proof that you are possessed of at least ten thousand dollars of your own, and I will

his is

Mansfield was very

at you make it, and then, if Edna has not previously found some one more worthy of her, as I have no d

an turned upon his heel an

his shiny beaver at the proper angle upon his head, and taking up his walking stick, prepared to start for his palatial home with a general air of res

t; "by to-morrow, unless I greatly mistake, the young gentleman will have most effectually settled himself. I have nothing against Frank

, as he locked the office door behind him, "that when she h

ight, would have been suspected of such a thing, stepped into the elevator, passed out of the nine-story building into Broad street, and, slipping around the corner i

Joe?" he asked of the white-aproned bartender, as he set d

't seen Billy in more'n a-- By gracious! talk of angels, and

dressed in a dark overcoat and ordina

ge, but his face bore indelibly stamped upon it a knowledge of the croo

air, both withdrawing at once to a table in a remote corner of the saloon, upon which,

llister, pouring out a stiff glass of liquo

can bet. I saw Detective Hook not an hour ago and gave him the tip. He swallowed the bait whole, the s

id you

workin' on him for the best part of a week, an' have pretty well brought him roun

her of them sus

bout as a general thing. When I tell you a thing is fix

must and shall be removed from my path. Your scheme is a good one, and I believe it will work; if I read of his arrest in

s he spoke, and buttoned up hi

er sure," replied Cutts, likewise rising.

er fear. How's your

, but confoundedly nervous t

and I shall expect to see you with your work

oes, butter would not have melted in his mouth, shook hands with Detective Cut

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