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Ben, the Luggage Boy; Or, Among the Wharves


Word Count: 1647    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ier in the lower part of the city. It was loaded with freight, but there was at least one passenger on board. A boy of ten, dress

the captain as he passed. "I


going on


you are ever down this way, when I'm

ou, sir;


treets, never before having visited it. He was about to begin life for himself at the age of ten. He had voluntarily undertaken

d there was an expression of firmness, unusual to one so young, which might have been read by an experienced physiognomist. He was quick-tempered, proud,

t was different. His was a strong nature, whether for good or for evil, and when he decided to do anything he was not easily moved from his resolve. He forgot, in the present case, that, though he had been unjustly punished, the injustice was not intentional on the part of his father, who had been under a wrong impression respecting him. But right or wrong, Ben made up his mind to run away; and he did so. It was two or three days before a

way home, for having falsely represented that he lived in New York, he was in a manner compelled to this additional falsehood. Still, in spite of his friendless condition, his spir

ight be led to doubt his story. Accordingly he crossed the s

his was about all he did know. When, therefore, he had gone a short distance, he ventured to ask a boot-b

ose, Johnny,"

familiarity. He had not learned that, in New York, Johnny is

boot-black "What's the price

up if you aint careful,"

pluck. "Just go straight ahead, and you'll come to Broadway. I'

n, appeased by the b

ay here?" inquired h

n; "I'm going

your fri

s in New York," said Ben,

oklyn, or Je

know anybod

the other. "How y

living," said Ben, in

and moth


e they'r

not; they'r

lack looke

y at home then? Wou

ould. The fact is

adopt me ins

they would," sa

opt me, and make a gentleman of me. It woul

h money that way

imes I make a dollar, but when

de this morning?" ask

ty c

t more than ten o'clock.

every body gets their boots blacked in


," said the other, generously overlookin

ld like that very wel

prejudice in favor of clean hands and unsoiled clothes,

er sell papers, or go

in' papers," said his new acquaint

" inquired Be

apers than you can sell. That's what takes off the profits. I was a newsboy once; but

is main objection, at the risk of offending. But Jerry Collins

aid, indifferently. "A

g, and he felt that he was not quite ready to get used to appearing in public in this wa

d?" asked Ben, aft

suspected that a joke was intended. But Ben's

een," he remarke

spirit, "I'll give you a lic

t Jerry, Instead of resenting this threa

f apology. "You're a trump, and you'll get

u call me gre

rded up to the Fifth


big hotels, where they

Ben, laughing; "but I suppose there are ch

oor-ways, on the docks, or an

ld sleeping out-d

d Jerry. "When it's cold


sboys' Lodging House, where a bed co


leepin' out-doors," r

, which were yet clean and neat. Looking at Jerry's suit, however, he saw that this consideration would be likely to have less weight with hi

it, I can," he

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