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Les Miserables

Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 6 Who guarded his House for him

Word Count: 2184    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

e was a garden, a quarter of an acre in extent. The two women occupied the first floor; the Bishop was lodged below. The first room, opening on the street, served him as dining-room, the second

bed, for use in cases of hospitality. The Bishop offered this bed to country

. In addition to this, there was in the garden a stable, which had formerly been the kitchen of the hospital, and in which the Bishop kept two cows. No mat

ly dear at D----, he hit upon the idea of having a compartment of boards constructed in the cow-

hairs. In addition to this the dining-room was ornamented with an antique sideboard, painted pink, in water colors. Out of a similar

y for a new altar for Monseigneur's oratory; on each occasion he had taken the money and had given it to the

fect, or the general, or the staff of the regiment in garrison, or several pupils from the little seminary, the chairs had to be fetched from the winter salon in the stable, the

n relieved the embarrassment of the situation by standing in front of the

demoiselle Baptistine had also in her own room a very large easy-chair of wood, which had formerly been gilded, and which was covered with flowered pekin; but they had been obliged t

mahogany in swan's neck style, with a sofa. But this would have cost five hundred francs at least, and in view of the fact that she had only been able to lay by

he oratory; the other near the bookcase, opening into the dining-room. The bookcase was a large cupboard with glass doors filled with books; the chimney was of wood painted to represent marble, and habitually without fire. In the chimney stood a pair of firedogs of iron, ornamented above with two garlanded vases, and flutings which had formerly been silvered with silver leaf, which was a sort of

of Citeaux, diocese of Chartres. When the Bishop succeeded to this apartment, after the hospital patients, he had found these portraits there, and had left them. They were priests, and probably donors--two reasons for respecting them. All that he knew about these two persons was, that they had been appointed by the king, the one to hi

to avoid the expense of a new one, Madame Magloire was forced to take a large seam in the very middle of it.

e ground floor as well as those on the first floor, were w

ng a hospital, this house had been the ancient parliament house of the Bourgeois. Hence this decoration. The chambers were paved in red bricks, which were washed every week, with straw mats in front of all the b

Magloire contemplated every day with delight, as they glistened splendidly upon the coarse linen cloth. And since we are now painting the Bis

reat-aunt. These candlesticks held two wax candles, and usually figured on the Bishop's chimney-piece. Whe

, in which Madame Magloire locked up the six silver knives and forks and the bi

hem four square plots rimmed with box. In three of these, Madame Magloire cultivated vegetables; in the fourth, the Bishop had planted some flowers; here and there stood a few fruit-trees. Madame Magloire had once remarked, with a sort of gentle malice: "Monseigneur, you

ener could have wished to see him. Moreover, he made no pretensions to botany; he ignored groups and consistency; he made not the slightest effort to decide between Tournefort and the natural method; he took part neither with the buds against the cotyledons, nor with Juss

g except the latch. All that the first passerby had to do at any hour, was to give it a push. At first, the two women had been very much tried by this door, which was never fastened, but Monsieur de D---- had said to them, "Have bolts put on your rooms, if that will please you." They had ended by sharing his confidence, or by at least acting a

ritten this other note: "Am not I a physician like them? I also have

o asks a shelter of you. The very man who is embar

s not committing an indiscretion, to a certain extent, in leaving his door unfastened day and night, at the mercy of any one who should choose to enter, and whether, in short, he did not fear lest some misfortune might occur in a hou

ke of somet

priest as well as the bravery of a colonel of dr

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1 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 1 M. Myriel 2 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 2 M. Myriel becomes M. Welcome3 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 3 A Hard Bishopric for a Good Bishop4 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 4 Works corresponding to Words5 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 5 Monseigneur Bienvenu made his Cassocks last too long 6 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 6 Who guarded his House for him7 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 7 Cravatte8 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 8 Philosophy after Drinking9 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 9 The Brother as depicted by the Sister 10 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 10 The Bishop in the Presence of an Unknown Light11 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 11 A Restriction12 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 12 The Solitude of Monseigneur Welcome 13 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 13 What he believed 14 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 14 What he thought15 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 1 The Evening of a Day of Walking16 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 2 Prudence counselled to Wisdom17 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 3 The Heroism of Passive Obedience18 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 4 Details concerning the Cheese-Dairies of Pontarlier19 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 5 Tranquillity20 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 6 Jean Valjean21 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 7 The Interior of Despair22 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 8 Billows and Shadows23 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 9 New Troubles24 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 10 The Man aroused25 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 11 What he does26 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 12 The Bishop works27 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 13 LITTLE GERVAIS28 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 1 The Year 181729 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 2 A Double Quartette30 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 3 Four and Four31 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 4 Tholomyes is so Merry that he sings a Spanish Ditty32 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 5 At Bombardas33 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 6 A Chapter in which they adore Each Other34 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 7 The Wisdom of Tholomyes35 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 8 The Death of a Horse36 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 9 A Merry End to Mirth37 Part 1 Book 4 Chapter 1 One Mother meets Another Mother38 Part 1 Book 4 Chapter 2 First Sketch of Two Unprepossessing Figures39 Part 1 Book 4 Chapter 3 The Lark40 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 1 The History of a Progress in Black Glass Trinkets41 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 2 Madeleine42 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 3 Sums deposited with Laffitte43 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 4 M. Madeleine in Mourning44 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 5 Vague Flashes on the Horizon45 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 6 Father Fauchelevent46 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 7 Fauchelevent becomes a Gardener in Paris47 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 8 Madame Victurnien expends Thirty Francs on Morality48 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 10 Result of the Success49 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 11 Christus nos Liberavit50 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 13 The Solution of Some Questions connected with the Municipal Police51 Part 1 Book 6 Chapter 1 The Beginning of Repose52 Part 1 Book 6 Chapter 2 How Jean may become Champ53 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 1 Sister Simplice54 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 2 The Perspicacity of Master Scaufflaire55 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 3 A Tempest in a Skull56 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 4 Forms assumed by Suffering during Sleep57 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 5 Hindrances58 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 6 Sister Simplice put to the Proof59 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 7 The Traveller on his Arrival takes Precautions for Departure60 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 8 An Entrance by Favor61 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 9 A Place where Convictions are in Process of Formation62 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 10 The System of Denials63 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 11 Champmathieu more and more Astonished64 Part 1 Book 8 Chapter 1 In what Mirror M. Madeleine contemplates his Hair65 Part 1 Book 8 Chapter 2 Fantine Happy66 Part 1 Book 8 Chapter 3 Javert Satisfied67 Part 1 Book 8 Chapter 4 Authority reasserts its Rights68 Part 1 Book 8 Chapter 5 A Suitable Tomb69 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 1 What is met with on the Way from Nivelles70 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 2 Hougomont71 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 3 The Eighteenth of June, 181572 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 4 A73 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 5 The Quid Obscurum of Battles74 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 7 Napoleon in a Good Humor75 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 8 The Emperor puts a Question to the Guide Lacoste76 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 9 The Unexpected77 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 10 The Plateau of Mont-Saint-Jean78 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 11 A Bad Guide to Napoleon79 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 12 The Guard80 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 13 The Catastrophe81 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 14 The Last Square82 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 15 Cambronne83 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 16 Quot Libras in Duce84 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 17 Is Waterloo to be considered Good85 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 18 A Recrudescence of Divine Right86 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 19 The Battle-Field at Night87 Part 2 Book 2 Chapter 1 Number 24,601 becomes Number 9,43088 Part 2 Book 2 Chapter 2 In which the reader will peruse Two Verses89 Part 2 Book 2 Chapter 3 The Ankle-Chain must have undergone a Certain90 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 1 The Water Question at Montfermeil91 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 2 Two Complete Portraits92 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 3 Men must have Wine, and Horses must have Water93 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 4 Entrance on the Scene of a Doll94 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 5 The Little One All Alone95 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 7 Cosette Side by Side with the Stranger in the Dark96 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 8 The Unpleasantness of receiving97 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 9 Thenardier at his Manoeuvres98 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 10 He who seeks to better himself may render his Situation Worse99 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 11 Number 9,430 reappears, and Cosette wins it in the Lottery100 Part 2 Book 4 Chapter 1 Master Gorbeau