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Explorers of the Dawn

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1310    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

day was

ulged before us, with a delicious sticky sweet sauce, trickling down their dropsical sides. We plied our spoons with languid inte

h spoke in that co

a piwate

body looked a

the same instant Angel and I kic

" repeated Mrs. Ha

Cwibbage Peggs," replied The

r. and Mrs. Mortimer Pegg, and this p

she gobbled, "that you are mak

Seraph, "it's a cwibbage g

ordered Mrs. Handsomebody.

ng and burst into tears. We could hear his wails

hat dumpling!" comman

. There was a short silence; then

noted arch?ologists of the day. A trifle eccentric in his manner perh

nd you are," said An

up in your Johnson's when you go upstairs, and

lounging in a chai

dumpling, old boy,"

"Mary Ellen fetched it up the b

daughter-in-law. He looked quite altered in a long grey coat and t

oy we found that the window opposite was wide open, the wicker cage on the sill with the starling inside


chance of sighting you. It does my heart good, y'see, to talk with some of my own kind, and leave off pretendi

, "you said something the other day about buried treasure. Did you r

ose days, about forty years ago, off the north of the Orkney islands. Well, one morning I took a fancy to explore some of the outlying rocks and little islands dotted here and there. So I

rested my attention. I now could see plainly, in the green depths, a Spanish galleon, standing upright, held as in a vice, by the grip of th

easure in earnest! Back to the ship for our diving

scene of many a bloody fight I'll be bound. Their skeletons lay about the deck, wrapped in sea-tangle, and from every crevice of the galleon, tall, red, and green, and yellow, and purple weeds had sp

t home under water as above it. At last we set sail without mishap, and every man on board h

three were silent also, gazing longingly

'pose-you'd know of any hidden treasure hereabouts? We'd most awfull

zed features of Captain Pegg. He brou

ed like my own son, who stole the greater part of my share of the treasure, and, though I scoured the globe for him-" the Captain's eyes rolled fiercely-"I found neither trace of him nor the treasure, till

k yard!" We chanted the

ard was smoothly sodded, and would show up any disturbance; while Mrs. Handsomebody's yard, being covered with planks, was just the thing. So he simp

nly on us. I lo

the alley, and the starling gave little s

t-"tonight? May we search fo

o mark where the treasure lies, and I'll have to hunt it up so as not to waste our time tur

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