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For the Liberty of Texas


Word Count: 2139    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ere they came together, and without halting swept straight along the Guadalupe River, as previously mentioned. They felt that the whites wou

e here mentioned that Bowie, who was afterward to become so well known in Texas, was one of two brothers who came to that territory from Louisiana, afte

mustangs of the whites were tired from the hard night's ride from Gonzales and vicinity, and they could not keep up the pace, although urged

the Guadalupe. The Indians had passed there about ten minutes before, and it was to be seen that they had not even stopped to water

caught?" asked Dan, as he s

ied Mr. Radbury, with a faint smile. "They know it

d Ralph. But his father mer

ilosophically. To him the life of an Indian was of no account. He had never considered t

ign of danger. The trail was still along the river, but presently it branched off, and entered an arrayo, or gully, thick with

his business," remarked Colonel Bowi

a fan, colonel;" and this was done, each man examining his part of the great semicircle with extreme care. A short while

But the trail was fresh and easily seen, and it seemed

en foolhardy for him to have gone on ahead of the main body, with perhaps only one or two others being able t

lso divided, although Ralph and Dan procured drinks of water at a spring instead. In those days it was share and share alike with all of the settlers, and one man was considered as good as another so long as he was honest and willing to work. For

on the edge of a small clearing leading up

mber belt, watching for us to uncover ourselves. We had better move to the righ

t once shouted, as prearranged. Then the Indians, seeing that the attempt to draw the whites into the open had failed, dashe

ght down a wild turkey, and another several

Mr. Radbury. "But we will have t

refusing to climb the hill that loomed up before them. One of the poni

ricated himself from his difficulty. "When the pony kick

e, and all plodded to the top, where they went into camp in the midst of the trees, half a dozen men being

remarked Dan, as he flung himself on the ground, glad enou

er, with a broad laugh. "Them kind o' varmin always does." Usually the frontiersm

ck to the cabin, now it'

never thought of it before." And h

g up from time to time," said Mr. Radbury. "He knows only too wel

way, father, you haven't told us your

n, when I caught sight of several Indians, and, by their movements, I saw that they wanted to cut me of

followed you?"

think I wounded one Indian, but I am not certain. Then I gave them the slip and climb

be s

or so. I ran along the river with all my might, and there met Poke Stover and told him what was happening. He at once agreed to go to your a

cried Ralph. "H

in. But over to the Powers's ranch I met Powers, Anderson, Striker, and a German, who was a stranger, and they said they would a

that it was better Whippler should be killed than some man with a wif

reatly to the discomforts of the whites. The game brought down proved but a

to the rain. He was soaked to the skin,

ay leading over hills and rocks, and through immense belts of timber land. They had to ford several streams, and at one of these

start of us, and it will be foolishness for a mere handful of whites to ride

back toward Gonzales. At first they followed the winding trail, but, coming to one of the n

the Radburys to separate from the others. The ranch home could be seen from the to

n't got nothin' else to do, and ye may want an extra man

the battered door of the deserted cabin. Down around the cattle shed the cows were browsing

the doorway into the living-room of the cabin. As he went in he notice

Ralph, when a cry from

red man lying on the floor in the corner. Then he gazed

rried off a dozen or more things. And your desk is broken open, too, and

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